Austin Healey epoxy primed

Our 1955 Austin Healey has now been coated in epoxy primer. We will now look to refit all of the panels to ensure the lines and fit are as we want them to be ready to be prepared for paint.

Boot Carpet Fitted

Our 1971 Jaguar E-Type is now equipped with the new fitted boot lining.

It will take a little time to settle in and for the creases to be removed but it means the rear is just about finished!

Restoring the tired looking roof seal

Brian is still busy working through the restoration of our smaller MGB components.


Jaguar MkVII – a possible donor

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]We frequently have cars arrive to us from the various UK ports, having travelled thousands of miles by boat to reach the Suffolk shores.

We have also been known to jump on a plane ourselves and fly out to visit cars or even collect parts.

And that is true of this week’s Bridge Classic Cars adventures. Gordon is currently out in Canada, trekking across the icy lakes on his way to visit a possible donor car for our Jaguar MkVII future restoration. The car we are visiting is an almost complete car, with brand new interior and very good wood trim, all of which will help hugely when it comes to rebuilding our own Mk VII.

Here is Gordon relaxing with family and friends, enjoying the Canadian sunshine! The photograph was taken through the lens of a sniper, Gordon was originally the seventh man along…

…but now he is the middle one![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_gallery type=”image_grid” images=”26634,26635,26636,26637,26638,26639,26640,26642,26643,26644,26645,26646,26647,26648,26649,26650,26651,26652,26653,26654,26655″][/vc_column][/vc_row]
