Our technician Pete has been completing the final jobs on the recommission of the 1967 Mercedes 250SL ‘Pagoda’ at our Suffolk HQ. This time, Pete has installed the new handbrake cables along with, new discs, the calipers and new captive…
Our technician Steve has been working away on the gorgeous 1967 Mercedes 250SL ‘Pagoda’ that we currently have in our workshop. The car had reportedly developed a knocking or clunking sound which was isolated to the selector rod hitting the…
Steve has been working on the 1967 Mercedes SL250 ‘Pagoda’ here at the Bridge Classic Cars HQ in Suffolk. This time, he has been servicing the beautiful straight-six. After removing the various filters, and thoroughly cleaning out their respective housings,…
Our 1967 Mercedes 250SL has had the handbrake cables on the rear replaced. This involved the removal of the road wheels, callipers and discs on both sides to access the cable ends inside the drum of the discs. Once they…
During the appraisal of our 1967 Mercedes 250SL, it was noted that the nearside front wheel was binding. Pete removed the wheel for a closer inspection and found that the inner piston was seized in the calliper body. He attempted…
The fuel pump in our 1967 Mercedes SL250 has been dripping consistently since the workshop team got the car up and running. Peter removed the pump and stripped it. He found that it had previously been sealed using normal silicone…
Recently, we welcomed a new addition to our Suffolk HQ with this stunning 1967 Mercedes 250SL Pagoda which was recently picked up by our transport coordinator, Tony. Once safely back at our workshops, the team took their time to take…