1959 Jensen 541R

Prep Work

Our 1959 Jensen 541R has continued to make progress through its restoration journey over the last week or so. Lydia has been hard at work

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Getting Back Together

Progress has continued on our 1959 Jensen 541R over the last week. After previously painting the chassis, classic car technician Mauro continued his work painting

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Lots Of Welding

Classic car technician Rob has continued his work on our 1959 Jensen 541R. Following the return of the doors from the sandblasters, Rob has been

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More Progress…

Since the chassis of our 1959 Jensen 541R has been back in the workshop, classic car technician Rob has been busy rebuilding the car. He

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Wheel Arches Primed

Our 1959 Jensen 541R has recently had new seat covers made, and lots of prep work completed ready for it to move on to the next stage of its restoration journey.

Classic car technician Al has been looking at the wheel arches of this rare classic vehicle and has applied polyester primer to them.

Now most of the car has been primed, it is almost time to paint it.

Our 1959 Jensen 541R continues to make good progress and work will continue until it is ready to drive out of the workshop and back onto the road.

Seat Covers And Panels

Our 1959 Jensen 541R has had more interior work completed by Lydia over the last week. She has now finished putting the new covers onto the two front squabs. Lydia has also finished covering the two front base tubs too.

Now that new covers have been made and fitted, Lydia has turned her attention to making the new foams for the rear squab and the rear base frames.

While Lydia was working on the interior of our Jensen 541R, Chris was continuing his filler work on the body. Several panels were removed in preparation for their final checks and so that they were ready for primer.

Classic car technician Al has also been working on our 541R. He repaired the off-side A post before masking up the body ready for its polyester primer to be applied. Primer was applied and, as you can see from the photos below, things are looking good!

Now that the primer has been applied to our classic Jensen, it can move on to the next stage of its restoration journey and be another step closer to being back out on the road.

Prep Work

Our 1959 Jensen 541R has continued to make progress through its restoration journey over the last week or so. Lydia has been hard at work finishing her prep work on some metal parts of this rare classic car. Lydia’s prep work is to get these components ready to be painted at a later date in the Bridge Classic Cars paintshop.

In addition to the work she completed on some of the metal parts of the car, Lydia also spent some time shaping the new foam which will eventually be part of the door armrests, ceiling pad, and dash pad. The centre panel also got cleaned up during the process.

As well as Lydia’s prep work, Monty also did some welding work to repair some of the components Lydia went on to prepare for painting.

The backboards of our 1959 Jensen 541R had new covers fitted by Lydia too. She sewed piping around the covers as well as sewing the pockets up and onto the backboards too.

Getting Back Together

Progress has continued on our 1959 Jensen 541R over the last week. After previously painting the chassis, classic car technician Mauro continued his work painting various components that will eventually be re-attached to the newly painted chassis.

While Mauro was painting, Brian continued work on the car’s interior. Although none of the interior components are actually inside the vehicle at the moment, preparation has already begun for things to be installed later on in the restoration process.

Brian fitted the metal brackets to the front and rear door cappings as well as fitting metal brackets to the rear quarter panels too.

Classic car technician Rob was also working on our 541R by bolting the roof frame back onto the chassis. Rob also bolted the body back onto the chassis as well. This has gone a long way in bringing the frame of our 1959 Jensen 541R back together and it is now much more recognisable.

Another big milestone that was achieved this week was the fibreglass work being finished on the car. Once this was done, Chris was able to apply epoxy and inside seal the body. Chris went on to remove the old paint from the bonnet, as well as paint more components, before moving on to putting the panels back onto the chassis ready to be panel levelled.

Chris ultimately put the body of this rare classic car back together and it is now ready for final gapping and panel levelling before moving on to the next stage of its restoration journey.

Our 1959 Jensen 541R has come a long way this year and, as 2022 draws to a close, we are very excited to see progress continue in the new year. By this time in 2023, this classic car will look very different to how it does now (and extremely different to how it did when it first arrived in the workshop).

Sandblasting, Repairs, And Painting

Our team of classic car technicians continue to work on our 1959 Jensen 541R.

Lydia has been stripping the old foam, leather, and vinyl off various interior pieces and prepping some of the metal work for repainting by sandblasting and sanding to remove rust, old paint, and glue.

While Lydia was working on the interior of our 541R, Al was continuing his work on the fibreglass bonnet. After his previous repairs on the underside of the bonnet, he cleaned the underside ready for the rest of his work to be completed. Once he had done this, he continued with his repairs. Al found some previous repair work that had been completed at some point in the car’s past. These repairs did not meet Al’s high standards so, despite making his repair work more challenging, he repaired the bonnet in full, including re-doing the previous bad repairs.

Mauro has also been working on our 1959 Jensen 541R. He has been refurbishing multiple components of this rare classic car. Alongside his refurbishing work, Mauro also painted the chassis too.

As work continues on our 541R, we look forward to seeing progress continue to be made as it moves through its restoration journey here at Bridge Classic Cars.

The Restoration Continues – 1959 Jensen 541R

Our workshop team have been hard at work with the restoration of our 1959 Jensen 541R.

Lydia has been stripping various interior parts ready for them to be re-covered and fully restored to their former glory. Brian has also been working on the interior of our Jensen 541R. He repaired the rear quarter panel top wood section. He did this by first marking out the side window surround panels and rear window top panel. He then cut out the new panels and the new rear quarter panel wood.

These wood sections were screwed together to form the rear quarter top panels. Brian then cut out the rear quarter side panels from mill board before bending the panel to shape. He then glued and stapled the side panels to the top panels.

The kick panels were then marked and cut out as were the glovebox end panels. Brian then went on to cut out the footwell panel and rear boot trim panel.

While Lydia and Brian were working on the interior of this rare classic car, Al was repairing and rebuilding the underneath of the bonnet.

Classic car technician Paul prepared the front upright bearing spindle for crack testing too.

Chirs has also been working on our Jensen 541R. He has been completing fibreglass work, filler work and panel gapping. Chris also removed the panels from the chassis so that it can be sent away for sandblasting.

Some components of our 1959 Jensen 541R have been refurbished and will soon be ready to be re-installed in the car as it continues to make good progress through its restoration journey.

Interior Work – 1959 Jensen 541R

The body of our 1959 Jensen 541R has undergone lots of restoration work recently. With classic car technician Rob modifying the front chassis, welding, and rebuilding various parts of this rare classic car, it has certainly made lots of progress on its restoration journey.

As work continues on the external elements of the car, classic car technician Brian has turned his attention to the interior. In particular, Brian has been working on the seats that will eventually help make the inside of our 541R as impressive as the outside.

Brian’s work started by cleaning the old foam and glue from the front seat frames. He could then fit the new foam into the front seat base tubs. Foam was fitted to the front edges and the inner rear edges before the front squab seat side foams were cut and glued in place.

The centre foams were also cut, fitted, and glued into place before the centre pad foams and wadding were added to the side foams. New backboards and new base foams were also cut.

Brian went on to cut and glue the front edge foams and trimmed them to shape. The wood for the seat base frame was also cut to the right size.

Our 1959 Jensen 541R is a very rare car. We have restored many Jensens in our workshop and we definitely enjoy seeing cars like this one get better and better the longer they are with us.

Jensen 54R1 Modifications

Classic car technician Rob has, once again, been working hard on our 1959 Jensen 541R.

Rob modified the front chassis of this classic car to fit the chassis cross-member. Making sure everything fits together perfectly is extremely important so, sometimes, modifications need to be made in order to get cars like this back on the road again.

Once the modifications to the chassis had been complete, Rob went on to repair the skin fitted on the right-hand door. Once this had been repaired, he was able to fit the door onto the car. He then fitted the right-hand door skin and door too.

Rob needed to make some additional modifications to the bonnet hinges as well. He made some alloy spacers which helped him fit the bonnet to this rare 541R.

The modifications weren’t quite complete just yet though, as Rob had to also modify the boot lid to ensure it fit the car perfectly.

This type of work, where our classic car technicians have to handcraft and modify components in their restoration work, shows how skilled our workshop team is. Technicians like Rob are able to complete this type of work only because they have years of experience to call upon and they are well-equipped to restore a rare car like this from the ground up.

Classic car technician Rob will continue his work on our 1959 Jensen 541R and we are very excited to see it continue to make progress through its restoration journey. Seeing classic cars like this evolve from an empty chassis to the final product that drives out of the workshop is an exciting process to see.

We are looking forward to seeing the rest of the Jensen restoration journey take place and we hope to see this beautiful classic car back with its owner and on the road in the future.

Lots Of Welding

Classic car technician Rob has continued his work on our 1959 Jensen 541R. Following the return of the doors from the sandblasters, Rob has been able to make some good progress with the restoration of this rare classic car.

His attention was first placed on the rear wheel arch filler panels. These were made and welded in place. Rob went on to weld the A and B posts too before adjusting and fitting the left-hand sill and panels.

The welding continued with the battery cradle being welded in along with the left-hand inner C panel being welded in as well.

Rob’s attention then turned to the doors of our 541R. Unfortunately, there were areas of corrosion which needed to be cut out and removed. Fortunately, though, Rob has the experience and the skillset required to make new panels and weld these in.

With less than 200 of these beautiful cars being made, the restoration work that is done here at Bridge Classic Cars by our highly skilled technicians, like Rob, is extremely important. As so few of these classic cars were made in the first place, having one less in the world is never a good thing.

Work will continue on our 1959 Jensen 541R and it will continue to make progress back to its former glory before eventually driving out of our workshop and back onto the road.

1959 Jensen 541R – Rebuilding A Classic Car

Over the last week, classic car technician Rob has been spending his time putting our 1959 Jensen 541R back together. Since the chassis of this rare car arrived back at the workshop, Rob has had his work cut out fitting everything back onto the car in the right place (and in the right order!)

The rebuild began with Rob fitting the sills back on and then refitting and welding the bulkhead onto the chassis as well.

From there, Rob went on to bolt the front wheel arches and the mounting frames in place and began work on fitting the body and the roof back together again. With this done, our 1959 Jensen 541R started to become much more recognisable as the beautiful classic car that we know it is.

We recently got the doors of our 541R back from the sandblasters. Although some repair work is still needed, Rob reassembled the doors so he could fit them to the car in order to check the A and B post alignment. He also bolted the roof down before making a new C pillar inner panel ready to fit later on.

Rob has moved on with his restoration work and has now made and welded the rear arch filler panels. He has also welded the A and B posts down.

The left-hand sill and panels have been adjusted and fitted and the left-hand C panel has also been welded in too.

Despite the fact that there is still a long way to go (and a whole lot more work to do), our 1959 Jensen 541R is looking extremely different to how it did just a few days ago. It is much more recognisable now and it is much closer to its final look than it has been before.

We are very lucky to have a skilled classic car technician like Rob working on the car and we are looking forward to seeing even more progress made very soon.

More Progress…

Since the chassis of our 1959 Jensen 541R has been back in the workshop, classic car technician Rob has been busy rebuilding the car.

He has already bolted the front wheel arches and the mounting frames into place and he has also started work on fitting the body and the roof back together again.

The car already looks very different than it did when it first arrived at the Bridge Classic Cars workshop and it will continue to change as it moves along its restoration journey.

Putting Things Back Together

Now that the chassis of our 1959 Jensen 541R is back in the workshop, classic car technician Rob has started the process of putting everything back together again.

This will obviously take some time and it will require a huge amount of patience and skill. Fortunately, our classic car technicians have both of these so good progress is being made.

As you can see from the photos below, Rob has fitted the sills back onto the car and he has refitted and welded the bulkhead onto it too.

Chassis Back In The Workshop

The chassis of our 1959 Jensen 541R has arrived back at the Bridge Classic Cars workshop. It has been moved from our storage facility, The Hangar, ready to begin the next stage of the restoration process.

Now it is back with us, our classic car technicians will carry out a thorough inspection of it before more parts of the main body are put back together.

The doors of this classic car have also been stripped down and sent off for sandblasting.

Brake Calipers Are Good As New

Considering they were first fitted to the car all the way back in 1959, the newly refurbished brake calipers for our Jensen 541R are looking like they could have left the factory only yesterday.

After removing them from the car, we sent the calipers off to Norfolk Brake and Clutch as they were in need of a lot of attention. What was returned to us were the shiny, perfectly cleaned and reconditioned calipers that you can see in the photos below.

These will be refitted to the car as part of the ongoing restoration work taking place.

1959 JENSEN 541R – Back From The Blasters

After a trip to the blasters, our 1959 Jensen 541R has made its way back to the workshop.

Once the newly blasted shell has been inspected by our classic car technicians, the next stage of restoration can begin.

Fresh Finish – Freshly Blasted Parts from the 1959 Jensen 541 ‘Hepburn’ in Gloss Black

The freshly blasted parts for the 1959 Jensen 541R ‘Hepburn’ have returned to our Suffolk HQ for the team to get into perfect condition for its restoration.

The freshly stripped parts were meticulously cleaned to get rid of any residual blasting material before they were refinished in hard-wearing gloss black.

The parts were then left to sure completely before carefully being packaged and put into storage to awaiting the cars reassembly.

Inspection – Checking the Blasted Subframe from the 1959 Jensen 541R ‘Hepburn’

As part of the restoration of the 1959 Jensen 541R ‘Hepburn’, several key pieces along with the body and chassis have been blasted by a local specialist.

Our workshop team can now more thoroughly inspect each of the pieces which make up the front subframe. Inspecting the welds and bends but also assessing all the mounting points and brackets.

The subframe will be stripped down further and then any repairs needed carried out.

Stripped Back – Stripping Down the Suspension from the 1959 Jensen 541R for Blasting

The suspension and steering components of the 1959 Jensen 541R have been carefully removed from the car in preparation for them to be sent off to a local specialist for blasting.

As part of the cars ground-up restoration, the team will have these pieces carefully and methodically blasted before being brought back to our Suffolk HQ to be thoroughly inspected.

Each piece has been catalogued and readied for their next phase.

Watercolour – Artwork of our 1959 Jensen 541R From Helmingham

Local artist Paul Seymour has sent us in this beautiful watercolour painting of our 1959 Jensen 541R that he sketched at our stand at this years Helmingham Hall Classic & Sports Car Festival.

We brought along the 541R which is in the early stages of its restoration with us.

We’ve even got some photos of Paul at work while he roughed out the sketch which you can see below and head over to his website and check out some of the other amazing artwork he has done and the tuition courses he offers.

Headed Off – The 1959 Jensen 541R Off to Blasting

The 1959 Jensen 541R ‘Hepburn’ has been completely stripped back to a bare shell by the Bridge Classic Cars workshop as part of its restoration and to prepare it for blasting.

The bodyshell has been loaded onto a rotisserie for media blasting so that every part of the frame and body can be got to and exposed with the carefully selected blast media. The bodyshell was then loaded onto one of our trailers to be transported to a local trusted specialist to carry out the job.

Once complete, it will come back and be inspected and assessed by the restoration departments.

Coming Out – Teardown Continues on the 1959 Jensen 541R

The 1959 Jensen 541R in the Bridge Classic Cars restoration workshop has been stripped down even further in pursuit of the car’s total restoration.

This time, our technicians have been working on completely clearing out the engine bay. To begin with, all of the simple and easy pieces were removed from the car to be inspected and catalogued. Then, with everything out of the way, the straight-six engine and its gearbox could be gently removed from the car.

Every single piece that comes off the car has been safely put into storage.

Getting Ready – Preparing to Remove the Engine on the 1959 Jensen 541R

The engine from the 1959 Jensen 541R is due to come out of the frame any day now as part of the restoration of the car by Bridge Classic Cars.

For this, the team have been preparing all the surrounding areas to make sure the engine cannot get hung up or caught on anything on its way out of the classic GT car.

Taken Apart – Disassembling the 1959 Jensen 541R

The teardown of the 1959 Jensen 541R continues at the Bridge Classic Cars restoration workshop at our Suffolk HQ.

Our restoration technicians have been methodically stripping down the classic GT car to assess and inspect any of the parts which have been taken off the car. One technician, Paul, has been working on stripping down the rear end of the car such as the boot with all of the accompanying fittings and hardware being removed and catalogued.

At the same, Jon has been working in the engine bay of the car. He has been carefully removing the various pipework which runs along the firewall and bulkhead of the car. All of this will be catalogued and reported on its condition.

Stripped Back – Stripping Down the Bonnet and Windows on the 1959 Jensen 541R

As part of the restoration journey, the 1959 Jensen 541R has had its bonnet and windows stripped back by the Bridge Classic Cars workshop team.

The restoration technicians have got everything back to its core components in order to evaluate their condition and operation. Anything that can be refurbished will be worked on to make the pieces as good if not better than new.

Everything removed from the car has been carefully catalogued and put into storage for later in the restoration process.

Inside Work – Stripping The Interior of the 1959 Jensen 541R

The in-house trim team at Bridge Classic Cars have been working with our workshop to carefully and completely remove the interior from the 1959 Jensen 541R as part of its restoration journey.

Brian, one of our trimmers, has removed everything from the inside of the 541R. All of these pieces will be stored to use as a template and if anything can be reused or refurbished for the car. Everything from the headliner to the seat runners have been taken out of the car for the team to carefully look through and assess.

Teardown – Stripping Down the 1959 Jensen 541R

The workshop team at Bridge Classic Cars have begun the process of carefully stripping down the 1959 Jensen 541R ahead of its restoration beginning.

The workshop team have worked alongside our trimmers to remove everything from both the inside and outside of the classic GT car. Even under the front clamshell, the wiring and various hoses have been removed in preparation for the 4 litre straight-six engine to be pulled out.

Once this is complete, the team can begin to remove the bodywork from the frame to assess and inspect the running gear move thoroughly.

To see some more detailed shots from our workshop on the teardown of the 1959 Jensen 541R, check them out below:

First Fire – Firing Up the 1959 Jensen 541R for the First Time

The workshop team at Bridge Classic Cars have fired up the ‘Barn Find’ 1959 Jensen 541R for the first time in several years.

The team used a small electric fuel pump to feed the carburettors, cleaned up the spark plugs and it fired up first time! The 4-litre straight-six ran absolutely perfectly with our workshop manager Jon at the wheel and our senior technician Dave handling the fuel.

Take a look at this amazing moment at our Suffolk HQ.

First Steps – The 1959 Jensen 541R Begins its Inspection

After arriving this morning at the Bridge Classic Cars Suffolk HQ, the 1959 Jensen 541R has already made its way onto the ramp for the team to begin assessing and inspecting the 1950s GT car.

As with all of our restorations and projects, the car will go through a full inspection and assessment by the various departments (both aesthetic and mechanical) to compile a report and come up with a plan for the restoration of the unique British grand tourer.

Keep an eye out on the Bridge Classic Cars news page very soon for more updates on the 1959 Jensen 541R.

This Just In – 1959 Jensen 541R

The 1959 Jensen 541R which has been up for sale and stored at our secure storage facility, The Hangar, has been transferred over to our Pettistree restoration workshop to begin its journey.

The classic Jensen has been commissioned to be built by our workshop from the ground up for its new owner.

Keep an eye out on the Bridge Classic Cars news page for more updates very soon on the 1959 Jensen 541R.

Best in Show – The 1959 Jensen 541R ”TEA 541” Wins Big at Jensen Show

The 1959 Jensen 541R which was recently in with Bridge Classic Cars for some work has won several trophies at a large Jensen show it was due to attend.

The team here at Bridge Classic Cars are always immensely proud when a car we have worked on gets recognised for its acclaim. So, when the owner sent us over a photo of the car with the Ron Smith Cup and the Members Trophy from the show which turns out was its first show ever!

We had done some set-up, interior and mechanical work on the Jensen in the run-up to it making the trip to the show and we also organised the car to be professionally valeted and cleaned ahead of its competition debut.