In Place – Fitting the Straight-Six into our 2022 Bridge C-Type Replica

Picture of By Nick Skinner
By Nick Skinner

The team in the Bridge Classic Cars workshop have begun to put the straight-six into the nose of our 2022 Bridge C-Type Replica. Jon worked alongside Josh, during his work experience, to install the gearbox onto the engine before hooking it up to our engine hoist to begin the process of getting the whole assembly into the car.

The team masked up and covered over any freshly painted pieces to avoid damaging them while also making sure anything needed to be removed for the installation was taken off the engine or the car before-hand. During the lowering process, the team discovered the oil pump would need to be changed to the alternative ”bowl” style in order to clear the frame. So, the engine came back out once more for the team to make the changes and try again.

After the oil pump was changed, the team could begin the process again of getting the engine into its final place. Inch by inch, the engine and gearbox were brought forwards toward the engine bay. Jon made the slightest of adjustments to the chains that suspended it above the delicate frame.

After the gearbox had slipped past the firewall, the team got together to slowly lower the engine block down into place. In order to get enough angle for the engine to sit perfectly in place, Jon had removed the gearbox mounts in the cockpit of the classic Le Mans car. The team then had to remove one engine mount in order to slip behind the steering column and then rebolt and tighten the bracket into place.

Finally, the help of a few sets of hands and some careful pushing and pulling, the glorious heart of our 2022 Bridge C-Type Replica was firmly in place.

With the engine now firmly in place on the C-Type Replica, our workshop and fabricators could begin work on getting the brakes and electrical system into the car for a test fit. But, it wouldn’t be complete without trying the beautiful new manifolds on the engine just to get a feel for what the engine bay of this incredible project will look like when finished.

We can’t wait to bring you more very soon on the build of our 2022 Bridge C-Type Replica!

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