Suffolk & Essex Jaguar Enthusiasts Club Visit

Picture of By Lily Griffiths
By Lily Griffiths

Events, marketing and business relations executive

This weekend, we opened up the doors of The Atelier to another car club. The Suffolk & Essex Jaguar Enthusiasts Club arrived in full force at 10 am, showcasing a range of vehicles. There were cars spanning the eras with some classics in excellent condition as well as some modern examples. It was great for members to catch up and share anecdotes of their experiences.

Coffee and cakes were enjoyed by all, followed by an exciting tour of the Bridge Classic Cars workshop by Nick. Our guests were able to learn about our current and upcoming competition cars as well as take an in-depth look at our workshop, paint department and fabrication bay.

The morning came to a close and guests headed off with some reconvening at local restaurants en route home.

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