Rotary Classic Car Show at Culford

Picture of By Rob Harvey
By Rob Harvey

On Sunday, some of the Bridge Classic Cars team attended The Rotary Classic Car Show at Culford. It was a pleasant but windy day, but, with our gazebo firmly anchored down we were ready to greet the public. There were lots of friendly faces including some new and some familiar, we saw the lovely Steve Biggs with his MGB GT โ€˜Velmaโ€™ that he won from us earlier in the year.

There was a lovely Ferarri Dino, a pre-war Bentley tourer and a Volvo P1800 which were particular favourites. There were lots of car clubs out in force displaying cars spanning the eras such as the BMW club, the Mercedes club and Matra Club. They did a great job representing their brands. A large convoy, stampede if you will, of Triumph Stags departing en masse made a spectacular end to the day.

There were some great food stalls offering a selection of cuisines and some stalls selling vintage and antique items, plus a very popular sweet stall!

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