Our 1961 Austin Mini has been in the workshop being checked over by Jonn. Here are his notes:
Clean outlets and refit rad hoses. Carry out vacuum test. Fit a small washer to heater valve to help seal. Re vacuum test and tighten all hose clips. Refill with new coolant. Raise in air and clean and blow off underneath. Remove wheels. Strip nearside rear brake and remove wheel,cylinder. Let brake fluid leak out to drain system of old fluid.
Continue brake repairs. Modify both rear brake backplate to accept new cylinders with larger bll3d nipples. Fit rear cylinders in turn. Clean and delip drums and refit. Strip offside front brake and cylinder. Fit new cylinder and eecu3. Refill reservoir and bleed all brakes. Adjust all brakes and pressure test for leaks. Remove and clean out washer bottle. Refill and refit. Burn off frayed part of nearside seat belt. Refit wheels.