Fitting up the chrome to the MGYT

Picture of By Craig Ranson
By Craig Ranson

Managing Director – Bridge Classic Cars

Dave is now starting to refit the chrome on our 1949 MG YT.

A lot of the original parts have been re-chromed however some of the parts were beyond repair so we have replaced with new.

When the car arrived at Bridge Classic Cars both the front and rear bumpers had taken a serious hit during the overseas transport and were beyond repair. Due to the rarity of this model we were prepared for a challenge trying to replace these.

Luckily for us we have Mike from NTG just round the corner from our workshops. Mike is one of MG’s most knowledgeable enthusiasts and has built a world renowned MG spares company. Anything to do with MGs Mike is the man, as they say, what he doesn’t know isn’t worth knowing.

Mike informed us that the bumpers from this model are the same as those on the MG TD so we were able to source new.

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