May 11, 2017

Rewiring Daisy – our Volkswagen T25 Camper

The first fix wiring as now been installed in our 1989 VW T25 project.

With the brand new bespoke interior arriving later today the second fix is currently being worked on as we speak ready for the interior installation to commence at the weekend.

Suffolk Churches – a series of journeys in a Mk 1 Cortina by Bernard Butler – Chapter 5

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]During our recent post on our visit to Morston Hallย we mentioned meeting Bernardย and his wife who had, at home,ย a Mk1 Ford Cortina.

Bernard told me as a part of his retirement that he travels around Suffolk and visits our churches and photographs his car with the church and writes about the experience.

We are very pleased to be able to share with you their fascinating story. All of the experiences you read of below are fromย Bernard Butler. Bridge Classic Cars do not claim ownership in any way.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_text_separator title=”Suffolk Churches – a series of journeys in a Mk 1 Cortina – by Bernard Butler”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

Chapter 5

I set off again on a warm and sunny morning in late summer – September 13th 2006. The plan was to visit five churches to the east of Framlingham.

The first stop was at Bruisyard, hidden down remote narrow lanes.

Unusually, this has a round tower, not visible from where I had to take the picture.

The south chapel now appears to double as the vestry, and I was disappointed to find that a large carpet covers the brass to Michael Hare (1611) mentioned in the โ€œbibleโ€ I am using – โ€œSuffolk Churches and their Treasuresโ€ by H. Munro Cautley.

Then, following the river valley of the Alde that eventually passes Snape on its way to Aldeburgh, I travelled south-east to Rendham.

St. Michaelโ€™s church is not highly praised in the book, but it now has a History Corner that could easily take a fascinating hour to enjoy to the full on its own.

The Church Guide is also an excellent read, and I enjoyed this stop very much.

The main problem was parking the Cortina for the picture, as it is on a sharp corner.

Fortunately no traffic came along while I was setting up and taking the picture, and it looks a very peaceful spot in the photo.

Sadly, the third church on the route, Sweffling, was locked. This was a shame after the lovely walk across the grass up to the south porch. It was much better than a gravel pathway, and really made the church stand out as if it had grown out of the hillside. There were beautiful Suffolk views across the fields too.

I managed a peep through the east window, but could not see the item that is probably the cause of the church being locked โ€“ apparently there is a boiled-leather chalice case, elaborately tooled, and believed to be 13th century.

Church number four was down a long descending narrow road, and it was fortunate that there was nothing coming up the other way!

Great Glenham may have been great once, but it is a tiny place now!

Inside, it was the first time I had seen colour in the arched head of the opening to the rood screen loft stairway.

Apart from this, the main feature of interest is the exceptional font with its very detailed and beautiful carving, still very rewarding despite the usual damage done in the 17th century by the Puritans.

I managed an angled photo this time โ€“ the proper parking area being disfigured and obscured by BT vans and the like!

So on to the final church โ€“ Cransford.

The book sounded very critical โ€“ โ€œdrastically and dreadfully restoredโ€! I took a rather pretty picture with the Cortina and just the church tower showing, and walked up the path to the porch โ€“ things didnโ€™t look that bad.

Then it all went wrong โ€“ the door was locked, my second failure of the day, so I decided to walk round the outside of the building, and now found some of the horrors that the bookโ€™s author must have seen โ€“ horrible huge plain brick buttresses propping up the badly-cracked south walls; awful cement rendering along the whole of the side of the church; what looked like a shed coming off the south wall of the chancel; etc.

I beat a hasty retreat and set off for home, arriving after a two and a half hours journey in fine, if rather humid, weather.


Route Details

Onto the A1120 travelling east, via Saxtead Little Green and Saxtead.

Through Dennington and then right onto the B1120 towards Framlingham.

First left, and then second left to Bruisyard church.

Unclassified roads to Rendham; then B119 towards Framlingham again before turning left, soon after the bridge, towards Sweffling.

First left, and left again to reach Great Glenham via country lanes.

Turn round and stay on this road to Cransford, crossing the B1119 along the way.

Finally onwards until reaching the B1120 โ€“ thence home.

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5


Fitting up the chrome to the MGYT

Dave is now starting to refit the chrome on our 1949 MG YT.

A lot of the original parts have been re-chromed however some of the parts were beyond repair so we have replaced with new.

When the car arrived at Bridge Classic Cars both the front and rear bumpers had taken a serious hit during the overseas transport and were beyond repair. Due to the rarity of this model we were prepared for a challenge trying to replace these.

Luckily for us we have Mike from NTGย just round the corner from our workshops. Mike is one of MG’s most knowledgeable enthusiasts and has built a world renowned MG spares company. Anything to do with MGs Mike is the man, as they say, what he doesn’t know isn’t worth knowing.

Mike informed us that the bumpers from this model are the same as those on the MG TD so we were able to source new.