Electric Window Repair

Picture of By Rob Harvey
By Rob Harvey

After noticing that the electric windows weren’t working correctly on our 1986 Volkswagen Golf GTI Cabriolet, classic car technician Jonn has been working on repairing the issue so everything is working as it should be when it is eventually won through Bridge Classic Cars Competitions.

Jonn stripped the doors and removed the nearside electric window motor and regulator. While the doors were stripped, Jonn made weather shields for both sides of the car. Once the motor and regulator had been checked, the doors were reassembled.

The next job was to drill out the door button lever so the connecting rod fit before the door panel was refitted and the door button was fitted.

Jonn went on to sort the electric window wiring. He cut and soldered the old wiring ready for new switches. Before the new switch panel went into the car, it was painted to make it look as good as possible before it was fitted.

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