
MGYT ready to be rebuilt

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Our 1949 MG YT has now been completed in our paint shop so will return to our Deben Road workshops in preparation for the rebuild.

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New look to our 1949 MG YT

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Our 1949 MG YT arrived to us from Cyprus looking like this: Last week we revealed the car looking fresh in it’s new Clipper Blue body.

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Running the Jensen 541S engine

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]We’ve been blessed with the presence of renowned race engine builder Don Warman today in our workshops as he spent a second day testing the

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EXCITING NEWS: Opening Monday – Bridge MOT Centre

We are very excited to announce that from Monday 6th February we’ll be taking over one of Ipswich’s longest servicing vehicle maintenance workshops as we expand the Bridge family.

Formerly known as Thorp’s Garage on Deben Road in Ipswich it will be business as usual on Monday morning but with a new look and a new name.

And it is with great delight we can also confirm that both Peter Church and Andy Frost will remain with us and they’ll continue to run the workshop on a day to day basis.

The location and phone number remain the same so basically you don’t need to do anything, other than tell your friends!

Bridge MOT Centre, formerly Thorp’s Garage on Deben Road, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP1 5EN.

Telephone 01473 743033

Our services will continue to include:









…plus much more to reveal soon.

Stay tuned as we launch a brand new website and lots of new incentives for our loyal customers.

From everyone at Bridge Classic Cars, we wish David and his team at Thorp’s Garage all the best for the future and welcome to the Bridge team Peter and Andy.

Bridge MOT Centre, Deben Road, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP1 5EN opening Monday morning at 8am.

Meet Guy, Claire and ‘Exy’, their beloved Bertone X1/9

Fantastic story, written by Andy Russell on the Ipswich Star website from January 2017

Guy and Claire Ransom with the Bertone X1/9 they have ownee since 1990. Picture supplied by Guy Ransom

Guy Ransom, Commercial Director of Finn Geotherm bought his Bertone X1/9 in 1990 and this ‘bella’ Italian sports car is still a big part of his and wife Claire’s lives.

“Having finished university in 1990, and recently married, my wife and I had been using a car kindly provided by my mother-in law – a respectably boring, grey Mark II Ford Escort.

One bright summer morning, however, I was driving past a motor dealership at Thorpe, near Norwich, when a beautiful little metallic blue, wedge-shaped sports car caught my eye – an X1/9.

Generally known as being a Fiat, the car was actually designed by Lucio Bertone in Turin. In 1989 Fiat ceased making the X1/9 and Bertone, still being in love with his ‘bambino Ferrari’, purchased the rights to manufacture it for one more year. This car was one of the Bertone X1/9s. To emphasise the shape of the car, the registration number even ended WEG – what more could I ask for.

With a 1,500cc engine and a twin Webber carb, the X1/9 has ample power to let it skip through the country lanes. As the engine is mounted in the middle of the car, the weight distribution is ideal, allowing superb road holding. The X1/9’s greatest design features however lie in the single panel roof which removes quickly, and easily, to safely stow under the bonnet, still leaving ample space for two large holdalls. In case this isn’t sufficient for your travels, the car has an additional boot behind the engine which holds the two specially-designed X1/9 canvas travel bags.

Exy the Bertone X1/9 finally made it to Le Mans after a engine fire scuppered an earlier trip. Picture supplied by Guy Ransom.

When I purchased my beloved ‘Exy’, she was only a year old and had a mere 14,000 miles on her clock. Despite becoming far more sensible as time moved on, and acquiring various family cars, I have stubbornly held on to my X1/9, keeping her garaged throughout each of the past 26 winters. The result is that she is still the same gleaming testament to the brilliance of Bertone’s design skills that she was when I bought her.

Over the years we have suffered a few challenges – including her engine overheating while warming up in my garage before driving to Le Mans in France. This was not a normal overheat however. Walking into the garage, I noticed the engine had stopped and found flames and smoke coming from under the bonnet.

The Bertone X1/9 in Monte Carlo as part of a tour of Italy and France. Picture supplied by Guy Ransom.

The consequence was missing the Le Mans trip but, more seriously, having an engine bay refit with all pipes and wires – plus other consumable plastic items – being replaced. The engine however remained fine.

In the main, however, Exy has given us many years of brilliant motoring. It has included taking her on a circuit of France, complete with tent, cooking equipment, food and clothing for two weeks – and, yes, we did eventually reach Le Mans.

We’ve also taken her, as a classic car more than 25 years old, on the London to Brighton car rally twice. Our most recent trip this summer was to take her on a 4,000-mile journey through France, Switzerland and Italy – including a stop-off at the Lucio Bertone factory in Turin (now owned by Maserati). Over the 16 days of our journey, including driving over the Alps, through traffic jams in Turin and mile after mile of beautiful vineyard-bordered roads in Provence, she didn’t miss a beat. Indeed, my wife and I were still competing for whose turn it was to drive on the last day of our travels.

The next major journey we’re planning is of a similar length, but this time starting in Santander in Spain, getting there by ferry, and travelling round the circumference of Spain to include as many of the must-see spots of ‘real Spain’ en route.

For us, the X1/9 remains one of the best-designed, yet most under-rated examples of Italian sports cars. As we had called to us several times as we drove through Turin – “Bella, bella!”.

The Ipswich Star are keen to hear from you about your first car and the adventures and scrapes you had – email your motoring memories with a picture of the car to or post it to Andy Russell, motoring editor, Prospect House, Rouen Road, Norwich, NR1 1RE.

And why not cc us in on the story too The original story can be found at Ipswich Star online. Further permission has been granted by Guy Ransom for the use of images and content by Bridge Classic Cars.

Is it best to buy new or re-chrome?

We get asked this a lot, is it best to buy new or re-chrome original parts? Let’s look at the facts:

Original chrome taken from a 1949 MG YT

Buying New

Who is the supplier of the new products? Are they a reputable company and do they specialise in your particular vehicle? I guess the last part isn’t crucial but it is something we consider when working on our projects at Bridge Classic Cars. The way to look at it, if you find a company that has been trading for many years and they specialise in a particular make or group of vehicles then it’s certainly more reassuring that the chrome they supply will fit. At the end of the day, it’s all about reputation, if you are good at what you do then you get known for being.

With new, more often than not the parts are produced of a lesser quality material. Because we live in a world of tight budgets products have to be produced cheaper, this way they can be sold more competitively.

People are often put off by the ‘Chinese’ market but it’s no longer the case that something made in China is no good, it is. If you are sold into the idea that a product produced in Germany is better than one from China then unfortunately you may be missing out on a great product.

Buying new is often the cheaper alternative to re-chroming the existing products and this is really important. If the part is small and considered less significant then buying new is totally the way to go. Why waste money on the most expensive option?

To sum up, buying new is fantastic, everything is shiny and perfect and with modern tooling it is safe to say that it will most likely fit how it should. There is however one key thing to consider…

Using Existing

…it isn’t original.

Original is great, it has a story. The car came with it on, it belongs on the car, therefore, if it can be refurbished then it should remain.

Having said that, it can often be the most expensive option so you do need to sit down and really assess the importance of original against cost.

Secondly, do you have a good chromer and polisher? There is an art to rechroming so do ensure the company you use are good and that you’ve seen their work. We use a company in Thetford, Wyatt Polishing, they are fantastic and have been doing it for many years. They undertake all kinds of metal restoration on classic, custom cars and bikes. Basically anything that needs plating they can provide a triple service which involves copper, nickel and chrome. They offer a repair service for damaged items such as rusty and holed car bumpers, damaged trims, badly pitted mazak can repaired before plating.

Original chrome taken from a 1949 MG YT

Here at Bridge Classic Cars, we do not limit our options. We consider both options on every occasion. Some parts are nearly impossible to get hold of which therefore means our only option is to repair. Other’s are so much cheaper to replace with new so it makes sense to do it that way. There really is no right or wrong answer to this question.

This is our 1949 MG YT chrome, we have purchased some parts new but the majority has gone over to the platers to be refurbished ready to be refitted.

Original chrome taken from a 1949 MG YT

Original chrome taken from a 1949 MG YT

Original chrome taken from a 1949 MG YT

Original chrome taken from a 1949 MG YT

Jaguar E-Type Rear Arches Primed

Work continues on the inner arches of our 1971 Jaguar E-Type V12 roadster.

The body preparation task is nearing completion and here we have more more images of the inner arches.

Once the arches were complete and Tommy was happy with the results, he applies a layer of Zinc primer for extra security in those unexposed areas.

Zinc rich primers are used to protect steel surfaces from corrosion. Unlike regular paints or epoxies which resist corrosion by forming an impermeable barrier between the metal and atmospheric moisture, zinc rich primers provide corrosion protection by electrical means.

A copper finish to the Jensen 541S chrome

Wyatt Polishing of Thetford have now completed the majority of the chrome brightwork on our 1960 Jensen 541S and as I was over there collecting Tony kindly showed me the stage he is at with the bumpers.

Here we have a very unusual site, the chrome bumpers have been fully cleaned down prepared for the chrome treatment. A copper finish has now been applied, these will now be polished up before chrome plating is added.

It is not very often we get to show the chrome in it’s copper stage but here it is…

As Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen would say; Copper is very ‘on trend’ at the moment. Maybe we should start fitted copper bumpers to our classics!

The return of the MGYT to Bridge Classic Cars

Today, we welcomed back to our Ipswich workshops our 1949 MG YT from the paint shop.

She is now completely transformed from white back to the original colour of Clipper Blue.

As a temporary fix, the panels were loosely fitted whilst in transit.

We’ll now mount the body back onto the chassis, lining up every angle and securing it into position as a permanent fixture. The body will be laid on top of a body to chassis fitting kit and all new wing piping will be fitted.

Once everything is securing fitted, the rebuild process can commence.

Jaguar E-Type Bonnet Stripped

The weather managed to hold out enough for Laura to completely remove all of the paint from the Jaguar E-Type bonnet.

As you can see from the evidence on the floor, it’s not really the job you want to be doing indoors and it’s not the most pleasant of tasks but it’s done, it’s bare and now we can get to work on building it back up.

MGYT ready to be rebuilt

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Our 1949 MG YT has now been completed in our paint shop so will return to our Deben Road workshops in preparation for the rebuild.

As we speak, John and Asa are across town with the truck and trailer return to bring her back.

The first job will be to secure the body shell to the chassis with the correct spacing’s. Everything is loosely fitted right now so it is down to the team to ensure it is safe and secure with all of the relevant checks taking place.


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New pictures of our 1973 Jaguar E-Type V12

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Work has not yet commenced on our 1973 Jaguar E-Type but our intentions are to have it appraised within the next few weeks.

Here are some more pictures of her parked up inside our paint shop.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_gallery type=”image_grid” images=”9682,9683,9684,9685,9686,9687″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

New pictures of our 1972 Jaguar E-Type V12

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]When the rush hour traffic died down on Norwich Road this morning, we decided to give our 1972 Jaguar E-Type V12 a good run. This was a great opportunity to get some new pictures of her out on the Suffolk roads.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_gallery type=”image_grid” images=”9664,9665,9666,9667,9668,9669,9670,9671,9672,9673,9674,9675,9676,9677,9678,9679″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Enjoying the sites of Madeira

Currently in Madeira, Gordon and Eva went to a fantastic restaurant called Chris’s place. The food and service were superb and the wine flowed. When the bill came it they couldn’t believe the price. They asked for a taxi and was informed that there was a courtesy car. They just kept giving!

On the way back we decided to try the sister restaurant Chris’s which we did on the Thursday night.

The taxi driver took us to the back entrance through a car park and their stood a beautiful 280se Mercedes Coupe and I couldn’t resist a couple of photos.

The meal was lovely and yet again the wine flowed and to my surprise again the bill was low.

I asked for a taxi and low and behold we could return to the hotel in the courtesy car.

We were shown out and imagine my delight…the courtesy car was the very same beautiful Mercedes.

As the car wafted up the road our driver Tony treated us to a drive round and information on the cars owners Madeira Garage who not only offer the courtesy aspect but also Classic Car hire.

Staying at the Royal Savoy in Madeira is an experience we should share. Lovely rooms. Breathtaking views. Superb staff and copious amounts of restaurants in walking distance of the hotel.

It’s our first time in Madeira  but it certainly won’t be the last.

1967 Jaguar E-Type, the huge bodywork preparation task

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]In recent months we’ve been reporting lots on the Bridge Classic Cars team working on bodywork preparation.

With four separate Jaguar E-Type projects in their various stages of undress, the Jensen prototype and the MG-YT all requiring lots of bodywork attention it has been non stop in our workshops, and it’s been harder for us to keep on top of the workshop cleanliness.

For anyone who has been to our workshops on Deben Road in Ipswich you’ll see just how particular the team are on keeping the workshops spotless. With porcelain tiles and glass walls every spec of dirt and grime can be seen and we try to irradiate that as best we can! Having said that, when you have a workshop full of cars with metal being cut out, lots of welding being done and panels being replaced all over the shop it’s inevitable that it can not stay as spotless as we would like.

But more important than that is progress, we love progress…

The bodywork of our 1967 Jaguar E-Type was undoubtedly one of our biggest tasks to undertake but things are really starting to take shape. Here you can see the car when it arrived to us.

That’s not a pretty yellow ribbon by the way!

Here we have John starting to remove the Chevy engine ready for the big task to begin.

But here we are, a few months on. The body is really starting to take shape. The body has undergone some serious surgery but now we have a completely transformed car.

As you can see, we are not finished yet but you can already see a vast improvement. All of the rotten areas have now been completely removed and replaced with new. Now that the panels have been fitted we have been able to fully access what panels been to be replaced. Various panels have now been fabricated and we are in the process of fitting up once again.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_gallery type=”image_grid” images=”9720,9721,9722,9723,9724,9725,9726,9727,9728,9729,9730,9731,9732,9733,9734,9735,9736,9737,9738,9739,9740,9741,9742,9743,9744,9745,9746,9747,9748,9749,9750,9751,9752,9753,9754,9755,9756,9757,9758,9759″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

More repair work to the Jaguar E-Type bonnet

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Laura is still working through removing the rotten areas of the bonnet and replacing with new steel.

As our Jaguar E-Type is being built to race the styling, in places, will be a little unconventional. The external aesthetics of the body will be much smoother than the original design.

The beautiful lines of the iconic E-Type will be even more emphasised due to the lack of chrome.

The brief for Laura is an unusual one but her priority at the moment is to get the bonnet corrected and to remove the imperfections.

Here we have images of the new steel that has been moulded and reshaped to replace the concerning areas.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_gallery type=”image_grid” images=”9631,9632,9633,9634″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]We’ve now removed the nasty issues from inside the bonnet area. All of the horrible bits have now been removed so we’ll soon be ready for the refit.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_gallery type=”image_grid” images=”9635,9636,9637,9638″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

MGYT Update: Body on Chassis, Engine Almost Ready, Parts Ready For Refit

Today’s the day our newly refurbished chassis reunites with the freshly painted ‘Clipper blue’ body shell of our 1949 MG YT.

We’ll now loosely fit the body panels and start to rebuild. Once we are in a position where we are happy to tighten the panels we’ll proceed to do so.

We’ve had just received confirmation from George Edny, internationally renowned MG engine specialist, that our engine will be complete and back with us for the end of February which is great news as it means will are on time for our schedule.

Lauren has been busy behind the scenes sorting through, cleaning and refurbishing all of the components ready for the refit. We like to be ahead of the game when it comes to sorting and refurbishing. It’s very easy to sit back and think that you have plenty of time but the sooner it can get done the better. Not only can you wrap everything up reassured that the job has been done but it gives you time to repair and replace any components that need doing.

We have even decided to sympathetically refurbish the bumper badges. Ordinarily these owuld be kept original but with such a drastic change to the overal appearance of our MGYT we felt it was best to fresh up the badges. Here we have the freshly painted AA badge, in original AA Yellow.

A huge difference to how it came to us.

Our Jaguar E-Type roadster, now with new arches

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Our 1971 Jaguar E-Type V12 roadster is really starting to take shape now as we enter the final stages of bodywork preparation.

The new arches have been shaped and fitted and the new boot lid has been laid into position.

A huge difference from when it arrived with us, with it’s huge ‘cut out’ arches and gigantic exhaust.

We refer a lot to bringing a classic back to life and this project is a true example of that. And what a car it will be…[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_gallery type=”image_grid” images=”9606,9607,9608,9609,9610,9611,9612,9613,9614″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

New Ipswich Empire Cinema set to open its doors at the Buttermarket in March

Exciting news reported this morning on Ipswich Star website by Paul Geater (Email)

An artist’s impression of the new Empire Cinema in Ipswich.

We reported news of this amazing development back in June 2016.

“After months of speculation Empire Cinema have confirmed the opening date of their new 12-screen cinema in the Buttermarket Centre.

The new cinema is the centrepiece of the £35m redevelopment of the Buttermarket to create a leisure hub for the heart of Ipswich.

An artist’s impression of the foyer to the new Empire Cinema in Ipswich.

And it is due to open on March 31, despite earlier hopes it would be open by next month.

The new multiplex will feature luxury seating as standard in all 12 screens, giving cinemagoers the option to watch all the action on the biggest screens from the comfort of their very own luxury recliner or share one of the double Sofas. The cinema will also feature two IMPACT® screens, boasting bigger screens and Dolby ATMOS sound alongside stadium seating and extra legroom, creating.

It will also have two D-BOX screens vibrating seats to add to the their viewing experience.

There will also be a Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream concession and free parking after 4pm at The Buttermarket Centre.

The Buttermarket development by Capital & Regional and Drum Property Group and has already brought Pure Gym, Coast to Coast, Cosy Club, Wagamama and Prezzo to the centre.

Next month Krispy Kreme doughnuts are due to join the line up.

Empire Cinemas’ chief executive Justin Ribbons said: “We’re thrilled to be adding to the Empire Cinemas family with the opening of our latest cinema in Ipswich.

“Empire Cinemas prides itself on offering visitors the very best in big screen entertainment and we’re looking forward to building on this at The Buttermarket.”

The new cinema will be managed by Adam Root who lived in Ipswich for two years as a child and who has been managing the company’s cinema in Walthamstow.

The cinema will screen the very latest film releases and also Empire Extra screenings, where customers can experience big stage productions and events on the big screen like theatre, opera, ballet, music or sport.

It has special offers for children, senior citizens and for films that are about to leave the cinema on Thursdays.

The company held a recruitment campaign in the Buttermarket in December which attracted considerable interest and led to a substantial number of local film fans being recruited as staff for the new multiplex cinema.

Check out the official Empire Cinemas website for more information and find more great local stories at the Ipswich Star online.”

1965 Jaguar E-Type – there’s always light at the end of the tunnel…

So the previous few posts have been us highlighting areas of corrosion that we’ve discovered during the bodywork preparation process.

Although it is all very manageable and does not come as a surprise to us at Bridge Classic Cars we are now pleased to be able to provide some positive news.

As the saying goes, there’s always light at the end of the tunnel and here’s our light.

The rear end is starting to take shape so we seem to be doing less of the ‘pulling apart’ and more of the ‘putting it back together’ and that’s great news!

Empire Cinemas to roll out the red carpet in Ipswich

Exciting news from Empire Cinemas official website:

Empire Cinemas, the UK’s largest independently-owned cinema chain, has today announced that they will be opening their latest cinema in The Buttermarket, Ipswich, on Friday 31st March. The brand new, state-of-the-art twelve-screen complex will be Empire, and East Anglia’s, first all laser projection cinema complex powered by Barco’s Flagship Laser projectors.

Empire Cinemas Ipswich will feature luxury seating as standard in all 12 screens, giving cinemagoers the option to watch all the action on the biggest screens from the comfort of their very own luxury recliner or share one of the double Sofas. The cinema will also feature two IMPACT® screens, boasting bigger screens and Dolby ATMOS sound alongside stadium seating and extra legroom, creating the ultimate viewing experience.

In addition to IMPACT®, movie lovers in Ipswich will also have the chance to visit Empire’s brand new D-BOX screens. These two additional screens offer viewers the opportunity to fully immerse themselves in the action with seats synchronised to the film, mimicking movements and vibrations. Sound, image and motion will all come together in this user controlled environment to create a truly memorable experience.

No cinema outing is complete without a stop at the retail stand and Empire Cinemas Ipswich will offer a wide range of high quality cinema snacks. Alongside the much-loved favourites, visitors can also enjoy Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream and Cup Coffee, further enhancing their trip to the movies. All this and with free parking after 4pm at The Buttermarket Centre.

The development, first announced in June 2016, forms part of a larger retail and leisure development from the Capital & Regional and Drum Property Group and has seen The Buttermarket undergo a huge redevelopment programme. The centre which will also play host to a new Pure Gym, Coast to Coast, Cosy Club, Wagamama and Prezzo as part of the £35m redevelopment.

Justin Ribbons, CEO of Empire Cinemas commented; “We’re thrilled to be adding to the Empire Cinemas family with the opening of our latest cinema in Ipswich. Empire Cinemas prides itself on offering visitors the very best in big screen entertainment and we’re looking forward to building on this at The Buttermarket. Along with two IMPACT screens, D-BOX and luxury seating as standard we are confident cinema-goers will have an unparalleled viewing experience.”

Jon Nutton, Marketing Director of Empire Cinemas added; “Empire Cinemas caters for all; from Empire JNRS, which offers families the chance to see a family favourite every weekend for pocket money prices; to Empire Seniors, where the over 60’s can watch a selection of the best recent and classic films every Wednesday, with tea or coffee and a biscuit included in the ticket price. Empire Cinemas also welcome parents with babies through their Empire Parent & Baby screenings, providing a relaxing environment for parents/guardians to enjoy the latest releases with the lights up and sound down, every Monday morning. Other offers include soon to be available to Ipswich residents include SAV£RDAY Tuesday, where customers have the chance to see current films at the lowest price in town and Last Chance To See Thursdays, where selected films coming to the end of their run are at Saverday prices.”

In addition to the very latest film releases, there will also be a variety of Empire Extra screenings, where customers can experience big stage productions and events on the big screen from the comfort of their local cinema – be it theatre, opera, ballet, music or sport, customers can sit back and enjoy the big screen experience in high definition where you’re always guaranteed the best seat in the house at a fraction of the theatre ticket price.

Working on the rear arch and valance

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Here we have more images to demonstrate the extent of the corrosion we are finding and more importantly, tackling.

The rear valance has now been removed in the rotten areas as well as the nearside rear arch panels.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_gallery type=”image_grid” images=”9572,9578,9577,9576,9575,9574,9573″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

1999 Mercedes CLK320 Sport now ready for sale

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Recently arrived with us and now ready for sale.

1999 Mercedes CLK320 Sport.

Red with black leather, carbon fibre dash and white dials, this CLK has been enjoyed by 3 previous owners and has covered just 95000 miles. This is an incredible example of a Mercedes CLK. A definite future classic.

The previous owner is a good friend of ours at Bridge Classic Cars as we worked on his classic Mercedes SL.

This car has wanted for nothing and the only reason it is now in our possession is that he wanted to change it for a Mercedes ML which he has now done (and we have carried out work on that too)

The paintwork is absolutely beautiful, all of the problem areas traditionally found on these models are PROBLEM-FREE on this car. The only work we felt needed to be carried out whilst with us was to refurbish the aftermarket AMG wheels. The full set have been diamond cut and fitted with brand new tyres.

She looks and drives beautifully, the hood works as it should, the leather looks like it has never been sat in and the carpets look like they’ve never seen a foot.

For more information or to arrange a viewing please call the office on 01473 742038 or email us[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_gallery type=”image_grid” images=”9538,9537,9536,9535,9534,9533,9532,9248,9247,9246,9245,9243,9242,9241,9240,9239,9238,9237,9236,9235,9234,9233,9232,9231″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

New look to our 1949 MG YT

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Our 1949 MG YT arrived to us from Cyprus looking like this:

Last week we revealed the car looking fresh in it’s new Clipper Blue body.

Now we can reveal a full series of images of the body shell, the panels and the wheels all finished in Clipper Blue.

The next stage for us at Bridge Classic Cars is to fit the body shell back onto the chassis. Once this has been married up accurately the refit process will commence.

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Running the Jensen 541S engine

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]We’ve been blessed with the presence of renowned race engine builder Don Warman today in our workshops as he spent a second day testing the engine of our 1960 Jensen 541S.

The engine is running beautifully and has been for the majority of the afternoon and with the gearbox soon to be arriving back after a full rebuild we now need to get started on thoroughly cleaning and tidying up the engine’s components.

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Repairing our Jaguar E-Type bonnet edges

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]With the new bonnet underside repair kits now with us, Laura has been able to remove the corroded areas around the bottom edging of the bonnet and replace with brand new panels.

A lot of the slightly damaged areas have also been corrected.

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1973 Jaguar E-Type V12 arrives in Felixstowe

Our 1973 Jaguar E-Type V12 has arrived at Felixstowe docks.

After connecting it up with some jump leads to give it a bit of energy she powered up no problem at all.

Gordon decided to drive her back to our Ipswich workshops to give it a run.

The removal of the Jensen 541S chassis tube

Our 1960 Jensen 541S chassis tube has now been successfully removed on one side. This will soon be replaced with brand new tubing to make up the chassis frame once again.

Our 1960 Jensen 541S in need of some new wheel arches

With the rear cross members and leaf hangers in place it was time for Asa to focus on the rear wheel arches which are in desperate need of repair.

It is a common issue we’ve found with the Jensen 541 chassis’, they rot…and unfortunately it is often not until you remove the sills do you find how badly they have been affected.

Removing the sills and body from the chassis on a Jensen 541 is not an easy task but it is one that must be carried out, and must be carried out delicately and with confidence. A lot of technicians would not even attempt the procedure as the thought alone is scary but when you are looking at the 1960 Jensen 541S prototype, one of only three that were made and the only one to hold the automatic gearbox you are looking at a special car. And the history of this car alone is enough to ensure the work is carried out right!

Here we have the rear arches cut away at the affected areas. Upon exposing the chassis tubing it is evident that these will also need to be removed and replaced with new tubing too.

Jaguar E-Type Series 1 bonnet headlamp diaphragms and mudguards

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Laura has been busy all week working on the bonnet of our 1967 Jaguar E-Type Series 1, the racing car!

The bonnet headlamp diaphragms on both sides are badly corroded as are the mudguard panels so we have decided to purchase a new set to work with rather than spending time and money correcting the existing ones.

If you are looking for these parts yourself then they are readily available from any of the main Jaguar stockists and the SNG Barratt part numbers you need are:

BD16422 Bonnet Diaphragm Right Handed

BD16423 Bonnet Diaphragm Left Handed

BD16382 Mudguard Bonnet Right Handed

BD16382 Mudguard Bonnet Left Handed

Be aware that different suppliers us different part numbers but you tend to find they all recognise each other’s part number. The same numbers above from Martin Robey are MRE84CLH, MRE84CRH, MRE84RH and MRE84LH.

Many of the key classic car vehicle suppliers have fantastic diagrams on their websites, they are hugely beneficial as they help to pin point the exact component that you require.

Here’s an example:

There are so many classic Jaguar parts stockists available to choose from. We find the prices are very similar to one another but if time is on your it is often a good idea to phone around to check on stock availability as well as costs.

As we all know, restoration costs can easily run away with if we are not careful…[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_gallery type=”image_grid” images=”9474,9475,9476,9477,9478,9479,9480,9481″][/vc_column][/vc_row]