BMW Group Installs UK’s First “Motionless” Wind Energy System at Oxford Plant

Picture of By Rob Harvey
By Rob Harvey

Marketing Manager - Bridge Classic Cars

Earlier today, BMW Group announced the UK’s first “motionless” wind energy system at its MINI manufacturing plant in Oxford. This system, developed by Aeromine Technologies, forms part of the company’s goal of efficient, eco-friendly energy solutions. The new system is part of a larger initiative by BMW Group to explore innovative technologies that align with its ambitious sustainability goals.

A New Era of Wind Energy

Unlike traditional wind turbines, Aeromine Technologies’ system generates clean energy without any visible moving parts. The design features wing-like vertical airfoils that create a vacuum effect, pulling air through an internal propeller to produce electricity. This bladeless approach not only minimises noise and vibrations but also reduces the risk to wildlife and nearby buildings. It’s an elegant, low-impact solution to reducing the amount of carbon released when creating energy.

The installation at the Oxford Plant is part of a broader project led by BMW Startup Garage, a programme designed to support early-stage startups focused on breakthrough technologies. Instead of acting as a venture capital investor, BMW Startup Garage takes on the role of a customer, providing startups with real-world opportunities to test and refine their innovations.

“BMW Group is always looking for innovative and efficient solutions in every aspect of the business. The BMW Startup Garage acts as a matchmaker between startups and different business units. New technologies are essential as we strive to find the most efficient solution to our requirements. This includes exciting innovations from new players.”

Carmen Gargioni, Team Lead Innovation at BMW Group Real Estate Management

Complementing Solar Power

The motionless wind energy system complements existing renewable energy sources at MINI Plant Oxford, which already features one of the UK’s largest roof-mounted solar farms. Installed a decade ago, the solar array spans an area equivalent to five football pitches and generates enough electricity to power 850 homes for a year. However, during the winter months and at night, when solar panels are less efficient, Aeromine’s wind energy system can step in, capitalising on stronger wind conditions to continue producing clean energy.

“This pilot is a small but exciting project for BMW Group and complements our existing approach to purchasing renewable electricity from the national grid. We’re looking forward to seeing its potential for generating clean wind energy at BMW Group sites.”

Urs Sambale, Project Manager for Sustainability Steering at BMW Group Real Estate Europe

A Commitment to Sustainability

This installation is just one example of BMW Group’s ongoing efforts to reduce carbon emissions across all stages of its operations. From supply chains to production and beyond, the company has set clear targets to lower CO2 emissions by 2030.

This project is not only a significant achievement for BMW Group but it also has the potential for other commercial buildings across the UK to adopt similar energy-efficient technologies. As the Oxford Plant becomes a testing ground for this groundbreaking wind energy solution, it could set the stage for wider adoption of motionless wind energy across BMW Group’s global sites.

“Aeromine’s partnership with BMW Group represents a pivotal step in our mission to innovate and expand the capabilities of renewable energy solutions. Our “motionless” wind energy technology is designed to work seamlessly alongside solar systems, maximising the renewable energy output from rooftops while helping address challenges like noise, vibrations, and wildlife impact. We’re excited to see how this initial installation can lead to broader applications across BMW’s global facilities.”

Claus Lønborg, Managing Director, Aeromine Technologies Inc

The Future of Green Energy

With its sleek, silent design and ability to generate power in conditions where solar energy may fall short, Aeromine’s motionless wind energy system looks like it could be part of a promising future for renewable energy in urban environments.

One response to “BMW Group Installs UK’s First “Motionless” Wind Energy System at Oxford Plant”

  1. Ian Dunn avatar
    Ian Dunn

    What a great idea I’m a petrol head at heart, but appreciate that things need to change. I still don’t understand why government has not yet insisted that all new homes built should have any possible ways of saving and producing its own energy fitted, such as solar panels and wind power.

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