Twinwood Festival

Picture of By Lily Griffiths
By Lily Griffiths

Events, marketing and business relations executive

Twinwood is always the highlight of my calendar year and 2023 did not disappoint. The execution of such a warm and welcoming festival was done in an organised manner with the friendliest of marshals (Ernie, Iโ€™m looking at you).

The weekend was filled with lots of music spanning many eras and genres, music hall classics merged into musical theatre for a cockney sing-a-long, rock and roll, jazz, acoustic original bands and even an Abba tribute to headline on Saturday evening. There are many different venues available within the festival, some more intimate, some on a massive scale. Even though the weather was wet and typically British this did not deter those from the outside stages. The partying continued in the rain!

With good music comes dancing and the dance floors were fit to burst. There were many dancing with partners but many strolls offered the opportunity for those dancing on their own, there were also many dance lessons available to beginners and more accomplished dancers alike. I had lessons in Charleston, jive, waltz and the shag. After a few squashed toes, we got the hang of it.

There were lots of great options for food and drink including an onsite pub, the Nags Head. The Split Screen Ice Cream Co. was selling luxury scoops from their classic VW camper and I sampled the Vegan Salted Caramel which was to die for, I also sampled every cocktail from The Tiki barโ€ฆ just for quality checking of course.

The sense of community at Twinwood really begins on the campsite. Many of the pitches are modern however there are also some classic gems amongst them. There were some great examples of World War 2 tents dotted around showing the quality of manufacture by standing the test of time, there were also several classic air streams including one that was decorated to resemble a beach! One gentleman even towed his rather large vintage caravan with his lovely red Pontiac.

I was lucky enough to speak to him about his Pontiac, it is just one of the many classics he owns alongside his Buick to name one. He has lovingly restored this vehicle himself by sourcing things such as the badges individually and carrying out the mechanical work. He outsourced the paint job and altogether it is a smashing example of a well-loved classic. The Pontiac was lined up alongside a handful of other cars, including my favourite, a Vauxhall Cresta (Iโ€™d like one in two-tone pink if anyone is looking for Christmas presents for me.) A Ford Consul, a 1951 Riley, Chevrolet Truck and an Austin Healey were a few of the others on display. I also enjoyed having a look around some US Military Vehicles.

Lots of the attendees dressed up to the nines, many dapper gentlemen in suits of a bygone era and ladies wearing everything from heritage tweed to flapper sequins to fluffy petticoats. I made many purchases including a much lusted-after pair of saddle shoes, a few dresses and a brooch that looks like me! There were vintage items for all and if you fancied something brand new and inspired by vintage fashions, vendors like Rock N Romance have you covered.

All in all a great weekend was had by all and I can highly recommend it to anyone who likes great music and lovely people.

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