wheel refurbishment

Tyre Replacement Services

Its been a big day for wheels here at Bridge Classic Cars! We had Graeme from We Fit Any Tyres Anywhere pop into our HQ to fit some BMW and Mercedes Pagoda tyres for us.

Having such a great partnership allows us to offer more services within Bridge Classic Cars and work alongside local businesses.

DB7 Wheels For Refurbishment

We’re about to send our Aston Martin DB7 wheels off to Wheel Care to be refurbished, refaced and repainted. This ensures that the wheels last longer and run better. Since these wheels are Magnesium making them harder preserve throughout the process due to their porous nature.

Wheels have a hard life, often taking curbing dents, getting rough around the edges and generally worn down. Investing in refurbishing your wheels not only restores them to their former beauty but also increases your safety on the road. It is also more economic to refurbish your wheels rather than to replace them.