morris minor body work

Chassis troubles

Our 1963 Morris Minor 1000 is having some chassis trouble but luckily our technician Scott is on hand to help out. The rear spring is

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Folded In – Repairing the Hood Frame on a 1962 Morris Minor Convertible

Sometimes a certain amount of delicacy must be taken to the approach of a job. Take for instance the framework for the convertible hood on a 1962 Morris Minor that we currently have at Bridge Classic Cars.

Over the years, this frame must have been shut thousands of times. That put stress into the metal as it is worked backwards and forwards. Unfortunately, a gust of wind happened to catch it at just the wrong moment for our customer. This caused the frame to bend and slightly tear in some crucial places near the hinges.

Not a problem for our in-house restoration technicians. A careful and methodical approach to the assessment had to be taken. Our technician Dave, discovered that it could be repaired sympathetically. To achieve this, he needed to remove some of the rivets which allow the whole mechanism to retract in and out of its cubbyhole.

With those pieces carefully removed piece by piece. Dave could begin to reconstruct the original stays rather than replace the entire hood assembly.

With some small cuts and a few areas sectioned, this Morris Minor Convertible and its owner will be back enjoying the open road.

1960 Morris Minor’s Bump

This charming 1960 Morris Minor has come in to attend to a major bump and dent on its rear wheel arch. This classic unfortunately got his by another car that pushed it into the curb and bent the wheel on the other side too.

We sold this Morris a few years ago, and whilst its sad to see it back in this condition, its nice to have it under our roof and in the safe hands of our technicians.

We’ll need to address the damage to see how we will attempt to fix it.

Morris Minor’s Final Send-Off

This delightful 1963 Morris Minor 1000 came to us back in December 2019 and has undergone and fantastic transformation within the last year. It has had rust correction, bodywork, new paint, new interiors, engine restoration, new wiring and a chassis rejuvenation during its time with us.

Morris Minor convertibles have always been seen as a premium touring car of that generation. Morris Minors, in general, are full of charm and instantly recognisable. From an engineering and mechanics side, they’re also built extremely well and make a reliable classic that is also suitable for everyday use. The Morris Minor was the first car built in the UK to sell more than one million vehicles.

Now that the restoration has been completed, its time for us to wish this Morris farewell as we send it back to its owner tomorrow. We hope this delightful vehicle will be enjoyed for many years to come.

Morris Minor Front And Central

Our lovely 1963 Morris Minor 1000 passed its driving test with flying colours, as seen in the last update, however, there’s a final tweak we want to make to ensure the Morris is perfect. The steering wheel needs to be centralised, so we are going to send Tom over to our hanger where the Morris is being stored, to centralise the steering wheel.

Morris Minor Is Ready To Go

We’re delighted to announce that our 1963 Morris Minor 1000 is ready to go! All we need to do now is do a road test to ensure everything is in working order when running for an extended period of time.

This is a vital part of every restoration as there’s a huge difference between turning over in the workshop and actually running soundly on the road. It isn’t uncommon for teething snags to appear after the road test but fingers crossed the Morris Minor will pass with flying colours!

We’ve had this Morris Minor in for almost exactly a year now, so it would be ideal if we can see it off exactly a year later!

Chassis troubles

Our 1963 Morris Minor 1000 is having some chassis trouble but luckily our technician Scott is on hand to help out. The rear spring is rubbing on the chassis, so Scott needs to re-shape the spring to allow it to move correctly.