Jaguar E type

Milestone – Engine in Place on the 1973 Jaguar E Type Series 3 Roadster

There’s always certain parts of any build that can be classed as milestone moments. That rings especially true for the first time the chassis is reunited with its powertrain.

This 1973 Jaguar E Type Series 3 Roadster being built by us here at Bridge Classic Cars has just met that fabled milestone. The built 5 litre V12 is now safely in place between the immaculately restored frame rails and securely in the car. Scott has been working hard to get all the necessary systems in place for a few days before the engine was carefully lowered into position. Firstly to ensure they will fit and secondly so that no damage is done to the long list of refurbished or brand new parts.

The engine looks incredible inside the car. In terms of its packaging, it is a feat of engineering to fit an engine this large in such a compact but stylish skin.

Once Scott has finalised the installation into the car, it will then be time to get everything hooked up and ready to be tested.

Back Together – Carburettors for the 1973 Jaguar E Type Series 3 Roadster are Rebuilt

The carburettors on the 1973 Fern Grey Jaguar E Type Series 3 Roadster are freshly rebuilt. Our master engine builder Ady spent many hows carefully dismantling each and every component to check for any damage.

Each of the pieces was given a clean bill of health by Ady. From there it was time to clean down every surface of the giant Strombergs. Ady always takes great pride in his work, he sat there and hand cleaned every individual part to continuously inspect the component while he cleaned away years of dirt.

With a full gasket rebuild kit, Ady managed to get the Carburettors back together in an afternoon, performing a small part of the set-up while still on the bench.

Next up for the carburettors is to be bolted up the manifold and put back on that glorious V12. Expect to see that very soon on the Bridge Classic Cars website.

And Breathe In – Assessing the Carburettors on the 1973 Jaguar E Type Series 3 Roadster

It’s crucial for any classic car to be able to breathe properly. Especially when it’s the V12 from our 1973 Jaguar E Type Series 3 Roadster.

The V12 has been completely rebuilt for this very special car and now it’s time to address the carburettors. Our in-house engine builders will begin by carefully inspecting the originals and begin to dismantle and check each and every component and seal.

The carburettors for this V12 will have a very important role to play in the dynamic of this bespoke E-Type. The performance from the V12 has been calibrated to reflect the unique nature of the 1970s super tourer. These carburettors maybe some of the first rebuilt in-house to become E10 compliant, a service we offer to all classic car owners.

Expect to see more on the rebuild of these carburettors on our projects page.

Ground Up – Reupholstering the Rear Seat Doors on the 1973 Jaguar E Type Series 3 Roadster

The Bridge Classic Cars in-house trim team have worked their magic yet again. This time recovering the rear seat doors on the 1973 Jaguar E Type Series 3 Roadster.

Kath, one of the trim experts, carefully deconstructed the original panels not only to find out how they were originally made but to try and save as much of the original piece if possible. Kath managed to even save the original hardware and hinges for the piece.

After refinishing the wooden cores of the panels, Kath could then start to get the new coverings fit just right for such a hand-made sportscar. After this, it was time to put the body-coloured piping onto the new material.

After the pieces had been perfectly readied to go into the car it was time to get the original hardware Kath had removed looking just as good. Kath carefully prepped each piece for a new coat of paint to go along with the rest of the panel in terms of the finish and quality.

Expect to see more of this incredible, one-off E Type on our News Page very soon.

Best Side Forward – Building up the Bonnet of the 1973 Jaguar E Type Series 3 Roadster.

One of the most recognisable parts of a Jaguar E Type is its long, elegant bonnet. It is also one of the most beautiful shapes of any car. That is certainly true with our Fern Grey 1973 Jaguar E Type Series 3 Roadster.

After the bonnet had come back from being painted and finished by our in-house paint team here at Bridge Classic Cars, the ultra-rare colour looks absolutely phenomenal. Then once Matt and Chris in the paint team were happy with the finish and high sheen of the bonnet, it was handed over to our restoration technician Scott.

Scott has been part of this project all the way through its work. He knows the car probably better than anyone due to the number of hours he has put into this single car.

Carefully, Scott began the process of putting in the grilles. Along with those was the indicators, being gentle not to mar any of the stunning work Matt and Chris have done.

The headlights complete that famous E Type look. All hand-wired by Scott to make sure the cabling runs for the harnesses fitted perfectly and worked without issue.

On the Ground – Checking Fitment and Set Up on the 1973 Jaguar E Type Roadster Series 3

Scott has been hard at work on the one-off 1973 Jaguar E-Type Series 3 Roadster that is being built here at Bridge Classic Cars.

This marks a milestone in the cars journey. Since this is a bespoke E Type project for a very special client, it has had a very bespoke suspension set up. But, to make sure everything fits and works as it should, the car needed to be down on the floor. This meant fitting up its wheels and starting the suspension set up.

Once this unique E type was down on the ground Scott could begin work on adjustment to the set-up. This is not the final set-up as we still need to have everything in the car before its complete suspension can truly begin. But, Scott wanted to check there would be no interference from any components as they cycled and as they rotated.

Success. Everything fitted just as Scott had hoped and as intended like any of the Bridge Classic Car Projects.

Next up for Fern Grey, is getting started on the wiring…

Staying Planted – Fitting the Rear Arms to the 1973 Jaguar E Type Roadster Series 3

The latest update in the story of our unique and one of a kind 1973 Jaguar E Type Roadster Series 3 is happening underneath.

Our amazing technician Scott has been fitting up the rear arms to the E Type to work alongside its GAZ adjustable coil-overs. There has been lots of measuring, and checking of clearances to make sure that all the components underneath this Fern Grey one-of-a-kind E Type will work together and give the lucky owner a true confidence-inspiring driving experience.

Scott has worked extensively on this car. Spending his time to make sure that every system compliments the next and works seamlessly in terms of its dynamics.

Check in again soon for more updates on this unique Jaguar at Bridge Classic Cars.

Poise and Elegance – Painting the bonnet on the 1973 Jaguar E Type Roadster Series 3

The long, elegant and graceful lines of an E Type bonnet are best highlighted in a flattering colour.

This is very true for our incredible 1973 Jaguar E Type Series 3 Roadster that has been finished in a very rare Fern Grey. Our in-house paint team worked hard to make sure every surface on this vast and prominent part were perfect before even the first coat of primer was laid down.

The bonnet of an E type is such an important and recognisable part of the cars overall character. It couldn’t be anything less than perfect for this particular build.

Matt and Chris worked their magic in our paint booth, getting the right shade to match this very special car.

Next up for Fern Grey, getting it fitted to the rest of the car that Scott, our technician, has worked so hard on.

New parts for the silver Jaguar!

Scott has been fitting new parts into the silver Jaguar V12.

It now has new lower door seals and chrome trims on the sills (the original ones were missing). Also to be replaced were the cooling fan and the thermostatic switch, because the original switch was faulty and was heating up too high of a temperature, before the cooling fans would come on.

The original interior has also now been fitted back in by Scott.

Jaguar Etype Bonnet Shaping

James has been shrinking the bonnet skin of our 1973 Jaguar E-type Series 3 Roadster to make profile match on both sides. Once he finished converting the left hand front bumper from USA to UK spec he fitted it with rubber and re-shaping it to give an even gap on the body. This is so that the runner is not pinched or deformed once assembled.

1967 E-Type Choke Unit Leak

Pete has been working on our 1967 Jaguar E-Type. There was a leak coming from the choke unit. We have identified it was a failing washer that was causing the leak. Pete’s installed new copper washers to remedy the fuel leak. Top work, Pete.

Jaguar E-Type Racecar Trottle Linkage

Paul has been working on our unique race inspired E-Type. He’s had to modify the throttle linkage to fit our carburettors which are upgraded from standard. The linkage has now been fitted into the engine bay which is now tantalisingly close to completion.

Lovely work, Paul!