Tag Archive: events space

Investing in the future at Bridge Classic Cars

Here at Bridge Classic Cars we very much believe in investing in the future and investing in new people to make that future happen.

A little over a month ago, Lily joined the team to help launch our newest project which is already starting to take shape. These ideas will help build the landscape of Bridge Classic Cars in 2023.

In order for the fresh new minds to work, we needed to create fresh, new space for it to all happen in so here we have our latest office space. A extension on what is already the marketing office here at Bridge, the space will now be twice the size and open planned for many minds to work together!

Or to chat more and share snacks…

Ollie from OJHurd Carpentry pulled in some long nights for us to get this built in just 4 days.

With the electrics now in, all we need now is the new window openings, the plastering, the decorating and voila…our events hub will be here!

We are very much looking forward to all of the new and amazing events being thought up in our new space. Freddie is already wanting the extension of his office to have plants and water features but we think a couple of desks and a cabinet will be just as good!

We won’t give away too much for what we have coming up next year but more information will follow very soon indeed!

November 28, 2022 1:23 pm Published by