austin morris mini

New In – 1981 Austin Morris Mini 998

We have recently welcomed our 1981 Austin Morris Mini 998 into the Bridge Classic Cars workshop. While it is with us, our team of technicians will be working on the carbs, as well as investigating a noise that the owner has heard coming from the car.

It will also undergo a full appraisal before leaving us.

We love a classic Mini so we are very pleased to have one as good-looking as this with us.

March Mini Madness – Behind the Scenes of our 1979 Austin Morris Mini 850 Live Draw

Last night, we invited all of our Mini friends to come over to our Pettistree workshops for the live draw of our 1979 Austin Morris Mini in our Atelier building.

With the weather holding off, we opened the doors for everyone to come in with incredible woodfired pizzas from Picollo Pizza Box and the Atelier Bar serving everything from our Rijo42 Coffee to the always popular Adnams 0.5% range – Our friends had something in hand to listen to the amazing set by Annika Rands.

As the clock struck 7PM and the sun began to dip lower across the Suffolk countryside, it was time for us to find out who the lucky winner of our 1979 Austin Morris Mini was! Would it be someone in the room…

Molly and Freddie took our virtual friends are the Atelier through our Facebook live stream, going through some of the upcoming competition cars as well as some other exciting news about a very special Jaguar which you’ll find out more about very soon.

At 10 past 7, as always, the competition closes. This marks the point where fate and luck collide as we find a new home for a dream classic somewhere in the UK. With only a couple of hundred tickets remaining, Molly gathered everyone in the room a little closer and beckoned those behind a screen to edge forward on their seats.

As with every live draw, we wait until everyone (both in the room and on the web) can clearly see our screen loaded up with the Google Random Number Generator. After a quick test outside of the 1-4999 tickets, everything was in place to find the classic Mini a new home.

Molly carefully and precisely put the numbers in, 1 and 4999 for the generator to search through. With a drum roll and a countdown by everyone in the audience, Molly clicked the fateful button which has led to over 130 people winning through Bridge Classic Cars Competitions.


Those were the exact numbers that showed up bold and resolute on the screen.

That particular ticket had been part of a handful of tickets bought by Anthony Wardley – The new owner of our 1979 Austin Morris Mini 850.

A Mini Arrival Causes Major Excitement

On Monday we had an exciting orange delivery…

This characterful 1980 Austin Morris Mini 1275 GT has arrived and will be one of our next competition cars. With only a few minor cosmetic imperfections, this Mini is in perfect condition and looks like its just left the factory!

We’re looking forward to photographing this charming little motor and launching it on our competition site! Watch this space!