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1991 volkswagen transporter T4

Replacement Wheels

Since returning to the Bridge Classic Cars workshop for a service recently, our 1991 Volkswagen Transporter T4 has been in the care of classic car

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Back For A Service

Our 1991 Volkswagen Transporter T4 has returned to the Bridge Classic Cars workshop for a full service. Classic car technician Jonn has been checking it

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Replacement Wheels

Since returning to the Bridge Classic Cars workshop for a service recently, our 1991 Volkswagen Transporter T4 has been in the care of classic car technician Jonn.

During the service, Jonn noticed that the wheels needed replacing. This has now been done along with new centre caps also being fitted.

Back For A Service

Our 1991 Volkswagen Transporter T4 has returned to the Bridge Classic Cars workshop for a full service. Classic car technician Jonn has been checking it over and has found some issues that he is working to resolve.

One of the wheel cylinders is seized and one of the wheel rims is badly cracked. Jonn cleaned a calliper before noting that the brake pipe to the offside rear wheel cylinder is seized.

A new pipe and ends were made to fit before Jonn had to untwist the driver’s seatbelt. The foglight earth wasn’t connected so this was connected to the slam panel earth. Once this was done, the foglights were working as they should. Finally, Jonn fitted new belts to our T4.