Stronger than Ever – Finishing the Drivers Side Sill and Inner Arch Repairs on the 1969 Morris Minor Convertible

Picture of By Craig Ranson
By Craig Ranson

The fabrication team at Bridge Classic Cars have finished up the crucial repairs to the inner arch and door sill of the 1969 Morris Minor Convertible.

These two pieces which make up the driver’s A-Pillar is used for not only the structure and mounting of the wings but also dictate the opening in the body for the doors. So, these need to be not only structurally sound and strong but very precise so our body shop technicians can get the panels aligned perfectly when the car is transferred into their department.

The fabrication team have carefully and precisely put the pieces back onto the classic Morris Minor in a particular order to build on the rigidity and strength needed in this particular area.

Now, it’s time to move onto the passenger side.

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