The one that got away

Picture of By Craig Ranson
By Craig Ranson

This morning, we bid farewell to our wonderful and very desirable 1966 Jaguar E-Type, 4.2 litre 2+2.

We are very pleased to have been able to offer this original UK matching number E-Type, Series 1, 2+2.

Our initial intention was for a full concours rebuild but having been approached by a customer wishing to carry out the work himself we have accepted and will sadly see her go today.

it will be a very exciting few months for her as she makes her new home in central London. The restoration project will continue almost immediately and we hope that the new owners will continue to show Bridge Classic Cars the progress.

But for now, it’s farewell…until we see you at a few shows next year I’m sure.

1966 Jaguar E-Type Series 1

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