Lots of images from our engine stripdown

Picture of By Craig Ranson
By Craig Ranson

Managing Director – Bridge Classic Cars

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]As we’ve said on many occasions, when carrying out any work on your classic car (or modern for that matter!) take lots of photos! Some of them you’ll look at in years to come and think “what did I take a picture of that for?” but trust us, that random picture might come in quite handy.

It’s easy to look at the engine you’re currently taking apart and think “I’ll remember where that goes” and then life gives you other things to concentrate on. When you finally get round to rebuilding the engine you took apart all that time ago, you have something random in your hand and you’re looking at a hole in front you questioning whether it’ll fit…that’s when the photo will come in handy!

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_gallery type=”image_grid” images=”7491,7492,7493,7494,7495,7496,7497,7498,7499,7500,7501,7502,7503,7504,7505,7506,7507,7508,7509,7510,7511,7512,7513,7514,7515,7516,7517,7518,7519,7520,7521,7522,7523,7524,7525,7526,7527,7528,7529,7530,7531,7532,7533,7534,7535,7536,7537,7538,7539,7540″ title=”Lots of images are great for cross referencing”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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