Jaguar XJS – rust repairs almost complete

Picture of By Craig Ranson
By Craig Ranson

Well, fun and games were had today getting the final body rusty bits repaired. Pete started the day by doing some final grinding on the rear quarter and getting that ready for primer, once that was done he moved on to the other rusty areas along the driver’s sill.

The trailing edge of the drivers arch had a small hole so he traced the extent of the rust and cut out back to good steel, only a small patch required here and looking much better!

And then the tricky bit, he had to make a stand to support the weight of the car so he could move the ramps support arm out of the way, there seemed to be some rust and damage from previous jacking attempts right where a two post ramp arm locates, this stand worked perfectly. It also meant that Pete could cut out and replace with hand fabricated sections the damaged/rusty section as he had all he space needed.

So that brings to a close the last of the body repairs on the old gal, there are still more items to tackle with the exhaust but that’s another story.

And there we have it, at long last we have its stereo firing on all speakers. This lovely head unit has been a challenge to fit into this car but it’s been well worth the effort.

She now has Bluetooth audio and hands free capabilities, DAB radio, traffic announcements and much more alongside the stylish classic looks tucked into dash.

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