In Colour – The Body of the 1965 Porsche 912 Now in Polo Red

Picture of By Craig Ranson
By Craig Ranson

Following on from getting the body panels of the 1965 Porsche 912, the Bridge Classic Cars paint team have shot the body hell of the classic Porsche in period-correct Polo Red.

The car was wheeled into the booth and carefully prepped by Alan before mixing up a litre of Polo Red to be laid across the body. Coat by coat the red lay perfectly onto the body of the car after testing it in places to get the fan shape on the paint gun perfect for laying down the colour.

Alan worked his way from front to back on the car, allowing each coat to flash off and begin its curing process inside the booth. The 6 coats of colour on the body, were done in 2 sessions which allowed the paint time to set up before the next round of painting.

After the paint had cured in the booth for a few hours, it was time to carefully push the beautifully painted 912 into the preparation department to begin the colour sanding process for lacquer and polishing.

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