H&H Classics Are Moving

Picture of By Rob Harvey
By Rob Harvey

Marketing Manager - Bridge Classic Cars

Our friends at H&H Classics have moved out of their long-standing base into a temporary location in preparation for a permanent move into new premises. Their eventual new home will be something of a hub for the classic car community and we are very much looking forward to seeing it in the very near future.

H&H has been hosting auctions for more than 30 years, with almost 20 of those having its base at The Motor House in Warrington. For the time being, Cinnamon House in Warrington is where the team at H&H will be working from but the permanent location will be designed to host auctions, automotive events, and more.

The new premises aim to be an ideal base for clients and employees, with the H&H Management stating their commitment to ensuring it offers a productive and enjoyable work environment.

โ€œH&H Classics plays an integral role in the classic car community, so weโ€™re keen to make sure our future location will give something back to enthusiasts, as well as being an exciting base for our business and our employees. Watch this space for more details, which we will announce in due course.โ€

– Colette McKay, managing director at H&H Classics

Although headquartered in Cheshire, H&H Classics hosts auctions throughout the UK, including in Derbyshire, Cambridgeshire, and the West Midlands. This national presence has helped the company build and develop a huge network of clients and industry contacts. Since the beginning of 2024, H&H has offered highly sought-after vehicles, such as a scooter featured in the film Quadrophenia and a Bentley once owned by Peter Sellers. A recent automobilia auction at the Warrington location saw every single lot successfully sold, proving the auction house’s continued success.

While fond memories are obviously attached to The Motor House, H&H Classics is keen to move into the next chapter of its story with its soon-to-be-announced new premises.

โ€œWeโ€™ll miss The Motor House as we have fond memories built up over nearly two decades, but more importantly substantial new premises will be revealed soon and, we hope, will be a beacon for classic car owners.โ€

– Colette McKay, managing director at H&H Classics

For more information about H&H and their upcoming auctions, visit www.handh.co.uk.

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