Goodwood: on this day in 1993

Picture of By Craig Ranson
By Craig Ranson

“We’ve seen a fantastic from Goodwood Admin that we wanted to share with you.

Not long after sunrise on Tuesday March 16th 1993 cars and motorcycles began to arrive for our ‘Press Day’ for the first Festival Of Speed.

We parked them in a crescent shape on the grass circle and the photos went around the world. ‘Goodwood is Back’ was the jubilant headline. As the press coverage gathered momentum we had just 3 months to prepare for the inaugural Festival of Speed which would bring 25,000 fans back to Goodwood in June and 28 years later we are preparing for the next one…

Photo credit James Bareham”

Bridge Classic Cars have been attending the Goodwood events since 2017 and we have made some incredible memories over the years.

We are pleased to announce that 2021 we will be taking our Competitions live to Goodwood Member’s Meeting to bring the experience to everyone unable to make it.

Check out some of our photos:

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