E-types in crusade against cancer

Picture of By Craig Ranson
By Craig Ranson

Managing Director – Bridge Classic Cars

Jaguar E-Type Club

Jaguar E-types are to relay around the coast of Great Britain to raise cash for charity. The organisers hope that, besides sponsorship money, the unique feat will also raise awareness of prostate cancer, which is currently diagnosed in 130 men a day un the UK – 47,000 a year.

Jaguar E-Type Club

The charity event for Prostate Cancer UK is being led by the Jaguar E-type Club and author Philip Porter, who is himself recovering from the disease. Porter intends to drive the whole 3000 plus miles in his ex-Italian Job roadster, 848 CRY, but is calling on all E-type owners to play a part, whether that means joining him for just a few miles or several days.

Jaguar E-Type Club

It’s unclear whether the motoring challenge has ever been tackled before, but is has certainly not been undertaken in the modern era or by cars that are all around 50 years old.

Jaguar E-Type Club

Kicking off at Goodwood on 12th September, the epic trip comprises of 18 one-day stages, each averaging 180 miles.

Porter said; “To create a great spectacle for the public and the media, we need as many E-types to participate as possible. Our cars can play a major role in the fight against this indiscriminate killer. We can have a lot of fun and enjoy an amazing drive through many of the most stunning parts of Britain while helping a good cause.”

Click here for full details or, if you’re interested in joining the event, call 01584 781588 or email louise@e-typeclub.co.uk

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