Diamonds Are Forever

Picture of By Craig Ranson
By Craig Ranson

Kath in the trim shop has continued work on the 1973 Triumph TR6 this week. The seats are coming along nicely where we continue the customers vision of double-stitched diamond detail throughout.

“I started by plotting out the lines for the diamond pattern onto the seat face,” Kath explains, “then I mounted the side bands onto foam, sealed them around the edge then sewed both parts together.”

Calico is then added onto another piece of foam then stuck to the seat face so the calico will attach to the seat face when fitted. Kath’s then put pipework down the side of the seat face and sewn up the sides and bottom flap.

For the headrest, Kath’s mounted the side skirt onto foam, trimmed round the edge then sealed it up. “I then made an eyelet hole,” describes Kath, “I marked out and cut the piping strips, attached the metal to the eyelet hole and piped around the squab skirt”.

Kath then clipped both parts together to ensure they fit snug and she had the positioning correct. She then sewed ears onto the bottom of the skirt and then base of the chair onto the skirt.

Et voila! As Kath then expressed – “That’s one down, one to go!” It’s looking good Kath!

Meanwhile, Brian has been making the window trims. “I trimmed the leather neatly around the edges, then fixed them into place.”

Brian then added the finishing touches to the seats. Pulling any loose flaps and fixing them into place. “I’ve then added the lift-up bar and screwed that into place” Brian describes, “then added the chrome recliner handle and the headrest.”

The seats are now fit for a king! Great work Brian!

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