Daytona Details

Picture of By Craig Ranson
By Craig Ranson

Managing Director – Bridge Classic Cars

The Ferrari Daytona is currently sat in primer and is being smoothed and prepared for its final paint step: the official colour. Before it can be painted, it needs to be masked. We hope to see the shell painted by the end of the week which will mark an exciting milestone in this restoration.

Here are some examples of different stitching options for the interior of the Daytona. The trim is set to be a similar tone of green to the exterior.

Scott has also been continuing his welding to the front subframe of the Daytona. The bottom of it was heavily damaged so he cut the damaged area out and straightened the supports inside. He then, cleaned up the rust inside and treated it by applying a zinc primer. Scott then fabricated a new panel and welded it in. Finally, he dressed the welds so it was ready to go to paint.

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