Coming Back Together – Reassembly on the 1977 MGB Roadster

Picture of By Craig Ranson
By Craig Ranson

The 1977 MGB Roadster currently in with Bridge Classic Cars has finished its time in our in-house paint shop and has now been moved into our restoration workshop to begin reassembly.

After previously assessing the condition of the trims when the car first came into us, they were bagged and catalogued for this stage of the car’s aesthetic restoration. Some of the trims and parts weren’t able to be refurbished or reused so high-quality replacements from trusted suppliers were sourced to make sure the Roadster looks and works perfectly. That includes cleaning and refinishing the fuel tank to match the standard of the rest of the car.

Our in-house restoration technician Mauro has been working alongside our other technician Paul to get the trims and pieces back onto the MGB before it goes into our in-house trim shop for its interior. Mauro and Paul will work methodically through the car to ensure every component and fitting is secure and neatly back onto the car.

Expect to see more in the very near future on the 1977 MGB Roadster in with Bridge Classic Cars.

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