1981 Rover SD1 Vanden Plas

Our newest winners!

Our two most recent competition winners got united with their cars today. One of them was Andrew Oswold, who won the 1981 Rover 3500 SD1 Vanden Plas. He’s also pictured here with a 1976 Triumph Spitfire 1500, which he also won with our classic car competition, back in May! He’s clearly a very lucky man!

The other winner was Michael Wright, who won the 1983 VW Golf GTI.

Finishing the Vanden Plas headlining!

Brian has been finishing the headlining fitting for the 1981 Rover SD1 Vanden Plas.

In this last post about it, you can see that he was glueing in the sunroof section. https://bridgeclassiccars.co.uk/headlining-work-continues-for-the-vanden-plas/ The board with the main piece of headlining on slid in from the back of the car. Brian had to take out the panels with the seatbelts attached, to put the headlining back in, and then they got put back into place.

Don’t forget, you can win this car! Just click on the following link to find out more information about the car and how to enter! https://www.bridgeclassiccarscompetitions.co.uk/product/1981-rover-sd1/

Charlotte takes you on a tour of the Hangar

With our VW Golf GTI and Rover 3500 SD1 draws coming up very soon, Charlotte takes you on a tour of the current collection we have in the Hangar. Good luck for this Friday if you’re in the draw!

Bridge Classic Cars at the 2021 Helmingham Hall Festival of Classic and Sports Cars

What a weekend! Now we’re back at base, it’s time for a re-cap of another classic car-fueled weekend. After a canceled 2020 show, Helmingham hall played backdrop for a wonderful show. Charlotte and the Bridge team were all at the show to present our restoration projects and current competition lineup. We even closed out the show by drawing the winner of our 1959 Jaguar MK1 which was Shaun Clarke, with ticket number 1486.

Here are a few snaps we took at the show.

Were you at the show? It was lovely to meet so many of you yesterday.

Headlining work continues for the Vanden Plas!

Brian has been finishing the restoration of the headlining for our 1981 Rover 3500 SD1 Vanden Plas.

Once he’d finished getting all the old foam and glue off the board, he cut a piece of nylon foam headlining to the required size and proceeded to glue it onto the board. Brian had to do this in sections because the glue went off too quickly.

Brian has had to glue new headlining fabric to the sunroof section as well. This didn’t have a board, it was just glued straight on. He’s just got to fit the headlining board in the car now!

Don’t forget, you can win this car! Just head to our website by clicking on the following link, which will give you more information about the car and tell you how to enter the competition! https://www.bridgeclassiccarscompetitions.co.uk/product/1981-rover-sd1/

Vanden Plas make-over!

Brian has been busy in the trim shop with our gold 1981 Rover SD1 Vanden Plas. The original headlining was ill-fitting, and the previous owner had placed studs into it, to create a quilted effect, which wasn’t true to the design. So Brian started by removing the headlining board, took the original fabric off, along with the aforementioned studs, and rubbed all the old foam and glue off that was underneath.

The headlining board itself was repaired with fibreboard, where it had broken at the front. This is now all ready for new headlining fabric to be glued onto it!

Don’t forget, you can enter our competition to win this very car! Here’s a link to our website page with all the information on how to do so! https://www.bridgeclassiccarscompetitions.co.uk/product/1981-rover-sd1/