1987 BMW 635 CSI

BMW Interior

Classic car technicians Brian and Lydia have been working on the interior of our 1987 BMW 635 CSI. Brian’s work began by removing the old glue and foam from the sides and C post areas of the car. He also…

Inside The Bridge Classic Cars Workshop – 15th February 2023

Join Molly as she takes a behind-the-scenes look at what is going on at Bridge Classic Cars.

Sun Roof Repairs

Classic car technician Brian has been working on the sunroof of our 1987 BMW 635 CSI. He removed the frame from the roof of the car and cleaned the old glue and material from the sunroof frame. The rubber padding…

Fixing Sunroof Issues

Classic car technician Jonn has been investigating some issues that our 1987 BMW 635 CSI has been having with its sunroof. His investigation began by stripping the sunroof. While doing this, it became apparent that the roof had been badly…

In The Workshop – 1987 BMW 635 CSI

Our 1987 BMW 635 CSI has recently arrived in the Bridge Classic Cars workshop. While it is here with us, the workshop team will be fitting a new ceiling cloth as well as fitting new windscreens too. This is a…