1974 Triumph GT6

Refurbished GT6 Gearbox in and ready to go

The Triumph GT6 engine and gearbox refurb is now complete and fitted back in. The car is now on its way back to Stowmarket and is now ready for the summer. We can’t wait to see this little beauty at…

Detailing and refitting the GT6 gearbox

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]With the engine out for the gearbox and overdrive refit we decided to clean up and detail the engine. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_gallery type=”image_grid” images=”18288,18289,18290,18291,18292,18293,18294,18295,18296,18297″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The refurbished gearbox and overdrive have now been completed and the engine is back in position. The next step…

Removing the gearbox and overdrive

With the ‘Beast From The East’ setting up home here in Suffolk and showing no signs of going anywhere soon, it’s the prefect time for our 1974 Triumph GT6 to come in for the gearbox and overdrive overhaul. This project…

Triumph GT6 all ready to head home

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Work is now complete on our 1974 Triumph GT6 so all that is left to do is hand back the keys to one very lucky owner and watch her drive off up the A14 back home to Stowmarket. We’ll see…

Triumph TR3 and Triumph GT6

Side by side, enjoying the sunshine here in Suffolk…our 1959 Triumph TR3 and 1974 Triumph GT6 outside Bridge Classic Cars and Bridge MOT Centre.

Triumph GT6 Interior Out

To access all of the wiring for the over-drive we have today removed all of the interior from our 1974 Triumph GT6. A job well done as we have now managed to rectify the over-drive issues we were faced with.

Phase 1 of our Triumph GT6 project complete

Work is now complete on the initial stages of our 1974 Triumph GT6 project. The running issues have been rectified and the stiff steering was down to worn steering column bushes. The bushes also affected the horn which would randomly…

Triumph Day at Bridge Classic Cars

The sun was shining today outside Bridge Classic Cars HQ, the perfect weather to showcase both Triumph’s we currently have in.

Triumph GT6 Problem Solving

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Joining us in the Bridge Classic Cars workshops today we have our 1974 Triumph GT6. Recently purchased by it’s new owners, it is in with us today to resolve a couple of slight issues. The issues mainly seem to be…