1966 MG Midget returning from paintshop

Picture of By Craig Ranson
By Craig Ranson

Managing Director – Bridge Classic Cars

We’ve just got back from the workshops in Needham Market where we had our first inspection of the new re-spray on the MG Midget.

We are due to see it back in the Bridge Classic Cars workshops tomorrow afternoon ready for re-assembly.

A few slight imperfections were found this afternoon on our visit so these will now get our full attention to keep us on track with our timings.

As you can see we have managed to rescue the original bonnet which is fantastic news as it keeps the car original. If replacement parts are required then this can be arranged but it’s always great to see original parts restored if at all possible.

Once the car is back with us at the Bridge Classic Cars workshops we’ll prepare her on the ramp ready for re-assembly. At this stage the wheels will be removed and refurbished ready for final installation.

This is where a car really starts to take shape.


1966 MG Midget undergoing a full re-spray

1966 MG Midget undergoing a full re-spray

1966 MG Midget undergoing a full re-spray

1966 MG Midget undergoing a full re-spray

1966 MG Midget undergoing a full re-spray

1966 MG Midget undergoing a full re-spray

1966 MG Midget undergoing a full re-spray

1966 MG Midget undergoing a full re-spray

1966 MG Midget undergoing a full re-spray

1966 MG Midget undergoing a full re-spray

1966 MG Midget undergoing a full re-spray

1966 MG Midget undergoing a full re-spray

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