March 9, 2023

A Container Arrives

Finding space for all the classic vehicles that come into the Bridge Classic Cars workshop can be a big challenge. To make some additional secure

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Spring Into Spring

Though the weather today may be bleak and in some places snowy, the early flowers popping up in hedgerows and on grassy banks promise that

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Beastie Goes To Its New Home

Our 1972 Rover P6 4500S has been delivered to lucky winner, Stephen Price.

This one-of-a-kind classic car was won in our live draw held on 23rd February 2023 when Stephen’s winning ticket number, 156, was randomly selected as the winner.

Despite it being a very cold and snowy day during the delivery, Beastie looks very much at home with Stephen and we are sure he will love this very special vehicle.

Everyone here at Bridge Classic Cars would like to congratulate Stephen again and we hope he enjoys Beastie as much as we did.

A Container Arrives

Finding space for all the classic vehicles that come into the Bridge Classic Cars workshop can be a big challenge. To make some additional secure storage for the workshop team to make use of, a container has recently arrived.

This extra space allows the technicians to be able to make effective use of the workshop while still being able to keep the special classics that come to us safe and secure.

Spring Into Spring

Though the weather today may be bleak and in some places snowy, the early flowers popping up in hedgerows and on grassy banks promise that spring is just around the corner. Pops of colour and low yellowy sun symbolise the beginning of another year filled with adventure.

For many of you, the winter months signal a time when the precious motors are tucked up warm in a garage or storage facility however, those with a year-round driver have been able to enjoy journeys out on crisp, frosty(but not icy) mornings. Some even ventured out to welcome in the New Year with Bridge Classic Cars back at the beginning of January and enjoyed a bright day driving followed by a cosy lunch in a local pub.

Now, as the nights draw out, the car community awakes en masse from its slumber. Tarpaulins and carcoons are pulled back, chrome is polished to perfection and paintwork buffed lovingly to its pre-hibernation glory. The event season begins.

For Bridge Classic Cars this year, the calendar is buoyant with events to suit every car lover, we want to welcome you to monthly live draws with music and fun as well as more car meets and coffee mornings for a more intimate vibe. We have special guests sharing their stories and lives with us, on stage at The Atelier. First, we welcome Ed Stafford, shortly followed by Martin Donnelly plus many more special guests. Soon to be revealed! We have days out in the local area allowing us to celebrate Suffolk and classic cars all in one go. Rallies, charity events and car shows scattered through spring and summer meaning there is fun, entertainment and a warm welcome for all the family.