Mrs Kulyski – Toronto, Canada

Mrs Kulyski – Toronto, Canada

“I write to thank you for allowing me to see the wonderful skilful work that is done in your plant. I am so impressed with what is achieved by the great work to these beautiful cars back to life. On checking your website I see you have a new build going on so hearty congratulations […]

Rebuilding our Triumph TR7 V8 Engine

Our 1981 Triumph TR7 V8 is currently in the workshops having the engine rebuilt. Unfortunately, due to the wrong piston rings being fitt originally this has resulted in the piston rings breaking. We are now in nearing completion on the full engine rebuild. We have cut all valve seats and checked guides. Both heads have […]

We Fit Any Tyres Anywhere – June 2019

Our selection of wheels featured on We Fit Any Tyres AnyWhere‘s Instagram story.