August 2, 2016

VW Camper T25 – Work is now underway

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Work is now underway on our 1989 VW Camper T25.

Like so manyย classics we find nowadays, all too often they are found abandoned, forgotten about and left to sit outside for many years. As I’m sure you would too, being left to face the weather in all conditions for many years doesn’t do the bodywork any good.

As you can see from the images, in order to bring these beauties back to life it takes a lot of patience and attention to detail. In order to rectify the issues you first have to strip it back and identify the problems.

VW Camper T25 Restoration Project at Bridge Classic Cars

VW Camper T25 Restoration Project at Bridge Classic Cars

VW Camper T25 Restoration Project at Bridge Classic Cars

VW Camper T25 Restoration Project at Bridge Classic Cars

It’s now in safe hands, Bridge Classic Cars will now do what they do best.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_separator][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]It was a gorgeous sunny weekend last weekend and it was the day of the annual Felixstowe carnival. We took a trip down to the coast and stopped for a drink at The Ferry Boat Inn.

Everyone was sitting outside on benches enjoying the sunshine and a few beers when a Camper pulled up.

It wasn’t perfect, far from it in fact, but it was amazing. 4 youngsters got out, the guys went in and got the drinks whilst the girls opened up the back, pulled out a rug and sat beside us. For the rest of the afternoon they sat drinking and eating and basically having an awesome time. They didn’t need benches, they had a VW.

That’s what the VW Camper is all about.

And once Bridge Classic Cars have worked their magic on our 1989 VW Camper T25 she’ll be off up to Scotland to join her new owner Margaret for many many years of holidays and sunshine!

But first, let’s get down to business…

VW Camper T25 Restoration Project at Bridge Classic Cars

VW Camper T25 Restoration Project at Bridge Classic Cars

VW Camper T25 Restoration Project at Bridge Classic Cars[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

1966 MG Midget Restoration Collection Day

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]So she’s been part of the Bridge Classic Cars family for 5 weeks but today’s the day our 1966 MG Midget restoration is finally complete and we’re ready to to send her home.

It’s been fun, a lot of highs and very little lows which we love.

We hope to be seeing this little beauty again for many years to come.ย It’s the Festival of Classic and Sports Cars at Helmingham Hall, maybe we’ll see her there.

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