
Silver Jensen’s New Wiring

Tom has been working on re-wiring the wiring looms in the 1959 Jensen 541R. He’s recently completed the lights and has now started on the dashboard.

There are 5 wiring looms in total. Two have been completed, two are partially completed (which are the two looms within the dashboard) and the last connects the front looms to the rear. Jensens are known for complex and sophisticated electrics, making the re-wiring a time consuming process.

The Amphicar’s switch around

Two bilge pumps have been added to the Amphicar. The original bilge pump remains in its original position in the engine bay and is still in working condition. The old pump still has its wires connected and can be connected at any point in the future, however, it is currently disconnected from the car. The old pump has been kept in for peace of mind.

Morris Minor Has Its Wires Crossed

The Morris Minor 1000’s indicator stalk had some soldering that our technician Adam found to have perished with age. It was originally covered in tape which had begun to unwind.

To fix the issues, Adam re soldered and covered the wires with heat shrink covering to ensure no liquids or debris can interrupt the solder joints.